So in other words they are trying to make more money off an old game, games decrease in price as time goes by so they are figuring out a way to have gamers pay full price for an old game, the greed never ceases to amaze me, I can only hope that any gamer interested in the game at this point spend their money on something else.
I am not feeling this game, run around kill monsters then do it all over again this sounds like it will get boring fast, there should be a deep story and characters that you can feel a strong connection with, I think I am going to pass on this game.
I will pass but as much as I dont like activision if they put up a game looking for backers I would invest in a heartbeat, because they know how to market to the zombie casual gamers and get them to buy the same thing over and over again.
So if you brought a switch and a 400 gb card you are looking at $540 this would make the switch more expensive than a 1tb xbox x, if you think about it the switch is the most expensive console on the market although it has the worst graphics.
So if somebody accuses you and you are suspended from your job and its proven to be false who is going to compensate for all that lost revenue if you turn out to be innocent, this is not right.
hardcoregamer1's comments