That seems about right. If you buy the switch you may need the pro controller and most importantly a Game! The $299 starting price is too basic. I see the switch as an overprice 2010 tablet/mobile but I'm happy it exist. It would bring more competition into the market. Win - win for gamers.
I live in Japan and I fail to see any queue at major retailers. Bic Camera, Yodobashi, Lab1 and Edion has stacks of Nintendo Switch and no buyers. We Japanese will wait for few years to see. Dissapointed with Nintendo products, while PSVR are always out of stocks.
Very happy to see it selling out outside its home country. Good competition for Sony and Microsoft.
@matea88: do you even own any platform? Seems you have no idea.This game is not only 1v1 but 4v4. Yes,dedicated servers are useless for 4v4. LOL! One born every minute!
@joyenergiser: I won't argue there. I live in a huge backwater where 4k resolution are standard and average internet speed are 1Gbps, living in Tokyo indeed I envy others that have better infrastructure than my city.
Fix the P2P connection, get a bloody dedicated server. I won't be purchasing anymore Ubisoft games and I recommend others to do the same. Constant disconnect. Long queue for a single match. Disconnect during match, leaderboard full of cheaters ( both PC and PS4 ).I'm on a 1Gbps connection and tired of peasents with dial up. PC and PS4 same situation. Pffffffffft!
hardeddie's comments