I'm a gamer and gamers do not discriminate. Its a game. Its meant to be enjoy by everyone. And just FYI im married with 2 kids, but Im comfortable withbmy sexuality that I respect others. Grow up or get left behind in this world.
@thegroscon, where in Asia for 170 USD? I got my Vita for 30,000 Yen thats the same model going to be launch for 250 USD. 30,000 Yen is roughly 320 USD
I respect your opinion Mark, but theres no portable machine out there that can satisfy the hunger for hardcore gaming on the move. I carry my ipad everywhere, I purchased tons of games, but as we all know the ipad is difficult to game on the go. Firstly its sliperry second its not comfortable to hold it. Plus I have never been able to pull my ipad out during rush hour on the tube. But the main reason is none of those portable games for phones, tablets, ipad, android offers any depth. Those games are mostly marketed for casual gamers or veteran gamers who dont have the time anymore to sit at home and play in front of the telly. FIFA 12, F1 racing, Reckless racing, Infinity blade 2, Shadowgun, Rockband Reloaded and many more, even some XBLA and PSN games available for mobile and tablets, none has any depth. No matter how I tried to enjoy it, it lacks the feel, the tension, and the challenge. Bottom line I already have the Vita on launch date, cause I live in Japan and what you said above are all correct, but pass all that, the Vita is the only device that satisfy my gaming on the go. You forgot to mention how we can continue playing the Vita from the PS3 and then back to the PS3.
Theres a dilema here. One is our rights as a gamer to be able to play the product and resell it after. Around 95% of my gaming library are new.Games that are worth keeping I keep those that I would never touch it again I would trade it in and buy a new game. Main reason is simple because the game is just not worth keeping after a play through.We go through games fast, games have become much easier and forgiving, less challenging. So in a way this industry does run well, I sell my used games, buy a new game and the economy cycle turns. In return my fellow gamers who chooses not to buy the game new, buys the game and the cycle is complete. After the person sells it and another will buy it and so on. Developers does not see a penny of this, but why should they?Once it has been purchase new it is not their property. You sell the product you given the rights to the consumers and in return the consumer is responsible not to duplicate it in anyway. My dilema. Personally , piracy is killing this industry. Buying a new game we support the industry in return they produce another games, a game that would be pirated. Are we in a way fuelling both the industry we love and also indirectly keeping piracy alive?Because without us there wont be piracy. There has to be a better way to protect us and the software companies.The one that comes up with the solution for both us gamers and the publishers will win the support of all and probably the console of choice for developing and gaming.
Less known fact was that the first Playstation in order to compete with the existing console at the time and gain new market was Sony themselves spread the code and the tools to hack the PS1. Sony kept silent and in time the PS1 kept growing because of this. But this wasn't news 16 years ago. I don't support piracy, but corporation sometime do hand out the tools to do it. You just need to look real close at each system and what the inside tells you. PS1, PSP, the old Sega Game Gear. If the systems are built to be crack then they will be crack. They know this. But when the cracked system does not bring revenue or positive feedback from publishers or supporters then yes its a different matter.
If theres ever a gaming propaganda than this would be one of it. Xbox 360 whether slim version or not has more plastic peripherals. Wi-fi, Harddisk, batteries for controllers are just some parts which will never be reuse for other parts because of Microsoft's greed. Other platforms PS3 you can reuse the harddisk for any laptops, or use your old laptop Hard disk for the PS3, controllers from launch version has save many battery waste, wi-fi is is installed so theres less costs and use of plastics. This may sound like a fanboy but I just disagree with this article. I do own all platforms just in case some gamers are wondering and I agree they are all good and each has its downside. But the topic here is green, and the 360 is far from it. Happy gaming :)
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