Do many realize purchasing mobile games will force you to give your phone info and other details. Ios and android. Ios at least you can choose to turn it off. Android i have yet to see an option. I I have tons of games on my ipad. I buy them only to play them either on the treadmill or while commuting. I just cant be sucked into it for more than 30mins. Just to shallow. Another developer trying to change the industry. If you stop listening to what these developers want and at least try to dictate them wisely with your wallet perhaps we have a brighter future for the core gamers. Casual gamers I dont have time to care about them. Let them spend on IAPs and F2P games. Happy gaming.
Molyneux talent left way back during Bullfrog - Sierra. He went with EA and learned the art of greed all downhill from there. Shame. Turns out to be just another tool for big corporation. Master title shall not be use for this guy!
Suddendly Electronic Arses decides to make it F2P game. A buck for a nitro, a buck here and there for cars and customisation. Shame, Criterion Games you are still with EA. Ridge Racer Unbounded is the alternative while you are with EA.
Being a gamer you must also understand how the industry works. These layoffs are normal. Although never positive but they are normal. Developers, programmers, artists, voice actors, testers, etc are hired based on per project basis. This is not the same as Kingdom of Amalur developers. That was tragic. Happy Gaming :)
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