we gotnew super mario bros.wiimario galexy 2metriod other mand some wii ware gamesand third party gameswhy is evryone complaining just cause theres no zelda dosent mean anything its not the end of the world
so many games are coming out i need like 2000 bucks for it allthes ffcc crystl bearer , conduit , ghost busters , redsteel 2, and thats 3rd party theres also plenty of first party
i was wondering this because i read somewhere it did in japan and also there are to ports on the bottem what are they for?THE POWER WITH IN!
i know the new pokemon games are comeing out and i want silver cause i always felt it was better but why do most peaplle want silver and not gold.Im just wondering
i found this it would definitly be awsome if nintendo did thishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb-kMNJKnCI&feature=channel_pageif nintendo dose this do you think it would be awsome i know i dooo:D
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