im going to get a new game i was wondering shuld i get pikmen playcontrol or animal crossing city folk
i would have to say guitar hero world tour it just dident fell the same as the other guitar heros to much new music needed more classic songs
i agree with evry thing but they already have dlc for reatail games but most of it sucks exsept for guitar hero and rockband songs
will gameboy games be downloadable on the dsi and if so what pokemon games be on it .pokemons like nintendos biggest franchise
i know that theres 4 pokemon games on wii right nowpokeomn ranchpokemon snappokemon puzzle leageand battle revalutionbut will nintendo ever put the origal game boy games in the vc or what about the stadium gamesand i think a pokemon mmo would be coolwhat are your thoughts:D
i started playing my wii once again and i was wondering what games are good for it i already havetwilight princesssuper paper marioBrawl mario galexysgutair hero 3world tourwario land shake itwario ware smooth movesmario kartmy life as a kingpopsuper mario rpgmario bros 1,and lost levelstoejam and earlmario 64super mario worldlostwinds dr mario rxand critter round upim opend to retail games and wii ware and virtural consalalso dose anyone know any new channels comming out soon
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