I usually agree with the author except the controller. I believe PS3 controller is an all-arounder and can be played very good with all kind of games. I've never felt Xbox controller is inferior or superior. Both of them good but a design option for controllers is always welcomed. (p.s. I'm playing fps games for 16 years with various controllers and platforms)
I think current gen is still strong enough to go on a few more years. But in this capitalist world consumers always want more. And when there's demand, there will be supply. Sorry David, but that is reality of the today's world.
I admit the idea is interesting but I'm still too skeptical about the controller. Isn't it too big for a controller or is it just me? I really don't know :S
There are too many fighting games around. Most of them are quite good. When this is the case, sales are shared equally between those games as they expected. For example I'm still happy with my super street fighter IV and not planning to buy anything soon :)
I'm playing BF3 since its launch on ps3. After the patch it's extremely hard to find a official DICE server. (only about 1 of 30 servers are belong to DICE) I know this because I try so hard to find one everytime I play. You should add some official servers as soon possible, we don't need excuse.
Sony may be wounded at the moment but there is still time for them to recover if they can apply right strategies. Without a doubt this year is very crucial for them and probably we will learn at the end of this year whether they will fall or rise from the ashes.
hasancakir's comments