I have premium and I have a demand from DICE; could you please change the knife? :) that thing looks like a box cutter or utility knife (whatever you name it) that can be bought from a furniture store :)
@ImBack558855 oh man :) your comment really made me laugh :) obviously you have no idea about BF3. Your comment shows your ignorance. Anyway, both games are great but gameplay is very different. I think you should stick to your COD because it is a perfect game for a teenager like you. Peace out!
@ryogapower There are some videos on youtube about 64 players close quarters maps. Well, in short it's total chaos. Usually you die in 5-10 seconds if you cant kill first :)
I played battlefield 3 multiplayer over 200 hours and I'm still playing and loving it. New guns are actually great but strangely most of them are not close quarters weapons :) In addition whatever you say Close quarters IS the COD expansion for BF3. It adds kind of a new flavour to the game. Old battlefield players like me dont like this kind of running and gunning gameplay but I'm not against it. Conquest Domination and Gun Master were added as new options to the game, think of it that way.
I play video games over 20 years and I can easilys say that gun games were always very easy to play for every kind of player. Miyamoto can make nice games about mario etc, but hardcore gaming is the core of the video gaming since its creation. I dont think it will ever change.
I think the new big leap would be cross-plotforming. Other than that increasing graphics performance wouldnt be enough for a new console. A cross platform between xbox, ps, vita, android, ios and mango would be awesome :)
It is hard to believe that they do this becasue it would be unwieldy. You can use the touchscreen with one hand (which has five fingers - five inputs) while you are holding it with the another. Cost can be understood but the other reasons are just bullshit.
Obviously nintendo is trying to catch up with other consoles to fill the gap they neglected for a very long time -- online socialization-- Let's wait and see what happens.
hasancakir's comments