I'm really skeptical about wii u because this time they do not offer anything new to original wii. They are just adding their Nintendo DS concept to a home console. (touchscreen, two screens etc. ) Nevertheless it is gonna be upgraded Wii and as long as support the system with great software just like they did on original Wii, it will be successful. There's no need for fancy big tablet controller. Think of it just like an add-on.
No, COD popular because of its easy gameplay. You can get used to play COD in a few minutes. BF3 is more tactical which requires teamplay and that's why it's harder to play. People like to go to the easy way. That's simple.....well i prefer harder way :)
VITA is a great device but it desperately needs new software and applications. It's already been 6 months but apart from the few nice launching titles, there's almost nothing good came out. (resistance is ok but not good). It needs support and it needs pronto. (at least they can add more remote play options so people can play more of their ps3 games on the run)
It may be true. Usually if I want to buy a game, I wait for all DLCs to be released. (usually it takes 6-12 months) Then I buy the cheap complete versions of the game which includes all DLCs so I don't have to buy DLCs one by one with an expensive price. But if they are all free, I don't have to wait to buy it. Publishers should consider my kind of gamers as well :)
By the way, the slim version of ps2 was much better looking than original ps2. Plus it had an extra embedded ethernet card which the original didnt have. Times are really changed, arent they? :)
I dont understand, why ps3 is getting uglier when it gets cheaper. I have a ps3 slim and i though it was ugly (comparing the original ps3) but after see the new one, I started to think mine looks better :) well, these just are empty words. As long as it does the job, its shape isnt important.
hasancakir's comments