hdiddy304's forum posts
let them play resistance, then ratchet
in that order.
couldn't of said it better
let them play the PS3
i have sattellite wich is too slow to go online. all i hear is how great the online is on the PS3. i am soo jealous of the people that have cable. any one else not have fast enough internet. it sure sucks doesnt it
heck yes it sucks..
but i will be changing that in the course of a month. at least you got the right system if you don't do online.
with the 360, it would suck even worse..
I need one really quick question answered plz
Do alot of people still be resistence
Im deciding weather or not i should get this or not
If there is still alot of people on i will probably get it
So thx for answering
this is one of the games you don't have to worry about people being on. Seeing as how it was, and still is one of the greatest PS3 out there.
okay, my friend has a PSP, and i have a PS3, and he has been begging me to hook them up to each other so he can get some "applications"
what the crap is he talking about? what all does syncing the two systems do?
mine just froze today (second day of having it) =/
it was loading COD:3
but it's cool, i still love it dearly
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