okay, so the other day, i walk into Gamestop to trade in my PS2 and about 5 old games for it. I also traded in a controller and a memory card. I was planning on using the trade-in money to get a PS3 really soon because i had about $300 with me. So i walked up to the counter, and handed them my stuff, and my EB Edge discount card hoping it would rack up my cash like it did last time. So they hooked up the PS2 and made sure it worked, it did, and the lady said, "your total is $83.00." and i was pissed.
i dont think sony will give up on the ps3. Now that sony relesed the cheep downgraded $399 version of the ps3 sales are pickin up even through it is not backward compatiable anymore. Also even if sales never pick up i dont think sony will give up on the ps3. Sony did very well with ps1 and ps2 so sony can afford to messes up one generation and make up next generation. EmperorZeruel
so i can't play my PS2 games on the $399.99 version?
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