I must agree with you. Games are mainly for fun whether it's competitive or Singleplayer modes. But It's not about calling oneself "Progamer" or not, It's about that if someone spent all his/her life doing something it would be hard for him/her to accept that he/she shouldn't be called professional at it.
Cool, I just wish the AI isn't dumb as it was in ACR. ACR was cool but the aged AI took some fun out of the game. The AI was good when you had to approach them in AC1 or even AC2. But in ACR enemies weren't smart at all.
What you say is right about all of the market. But what i mean that when technology is easier to use by normal people it gets cheaper, when it's more common. That what happened to computers. Most people in the world now own computers and not all of them are rich. But gaming in some countries isn't affordable by all people.
I hate articles like these, they are meant only for flaming comments about a rotten subject. But anyway, I have said it before and I'll say it now, that i support used game even though i don't buy them. I can only look at what online pass did to some games i like. It made games with potential Multiplayer have less people while COD is still smarter than them and didn't use online pass though it had the most number of players.
Besides, I don't think Sony is that stupid; lots of their sales come from consoles that people never use their online feature, or even from pirated consoles. Why they will end up the bad guys!!!
Technology becomes cheaper when it's more common. Look at the computer in the past and now. Gaming is common in some countries only. In other countries gaming isn't popular, or pirated games that are known.
"passionate niche audience that can achieve repeatable and profitable success." Lol.
They follow the strategy of Bobby. They want to make a new COD. I'm not a fan of Family Guy but after such a statement, I would think carefully before buying that game.
hellangel_boy's comments