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#1 hellangel_boy
Member since 2007 • 180 Posts

As I said before, I think it's starting to lose popularity among people who buy it every year. The end of any game must happen, but as everyone said, as long as Activision makes money out of it, as long as they will keep releasing it, and they already made huge profit of it.

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#2 hellangel_boy
Member since 2007 • 180 Posts

I think it was meaningless anyway to even think about an MP for Infamous. They can only look at what happened to GOW:A, the MP was completely unnecessary and didn't have a vision put into it, before GOW:A got released I wonder how they would make an MP for a H&S, as the lag and many other issue must be taken care of, for any H&S game to have a good multiplayer, and all my suspicions came to be legit.

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#3 hellangel_boy
Member since 2007 • 180 Posts

As everyone stated here, it has been stale for some time. But I think it's finally starting to lose its popularity among people who buy it every year, but that took quite some time actually. I think it'll end soon, but Activision has already made billions and billions from it, so I doubt if they care if it dies a horrible death, and I think they are already searching for something else, but I doubt any game will be as popular as COD in the future, or will be? we will see.

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#4 hellangel_boy
Member since 2007 • 180 Posts

There seems like a lot of good games I won't play: LBP after 1, Most Nintendo exclusives, most Xbox exclusives, many sports game (but not all of them,) and any PTP MMO.

Other games I may or may not play: The Batman Arkham series, Minecraft, HF, TF. And others

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#5  Edited By hellangel_boy
Member since 2007 • 180 Posts

I think it builds towards the idea of multiplayer campaign as the focal point. We still yet to see how it will end up. There might be some doubts about the intelligence of the AI and how they will act in matches and their behavior (you know; you can always tell AI from real people) but we still haven't seen the real role of these AI's, do they act as normal allies and opponents instead of real people?!, if it's just that, then I don't think it will be good but they might have different role. Anyway, I'm not skeptic about it, new ideas aren't bad, even though I might not get the game.

Also, bigger doesn't always mean better, at all, and I think it's good for different games to vary based on a whole vision rather than trying to copy an already existing game.

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#6 hellangel_boy
Member since 2007 • 180 Posts

I read that the 1GB internal memory of the newer PSV gets disabled anyway after you insert the memory card, so I think you will be better with the older version.

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#7  Edited By hellangel_boy
Member since 2007 • 180 Posts

I don't hate that many games as some people do. I always try to look for the fun parts of any game and enjoy it as a different experience.

The only game I think that I really hated was MOH 2010 ( and because of that I haven't bought MOH warfighter ) and even that game, I gave it too much of a try before ending up losing any hope in it, and I have always thought that it could have been better if EA gave it time.

I can argue that some games get too much appreciation more than they deserve (But I actually think that most games deserve most of the appreciation they get) or less appreciation than they deserve, and I think a big part of that is due to the stagnation in the industry right now.

Another game I didn't like was Gone Home, and though I don't care much about the score given to any game by critics, I felt that the score that Gone Home got was unjustifiable at all, and would make lots of people doubt the reliability of gaming sites as sources to depend on for buying games (as this supposed to be their job rather than advertising for a game.)

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#8 hellangel_boy
Member since 2007 • 180 Posts

@YukoAsho said:

I think I do get why Knack and KZSF are getting shat on despite being good games. I've put a couple hours in Knack as well and, while it's no GOTY contender, it's good at being little Billy's first God of War, with combat and platforming that's easy to grasp but surprisingly engaging. My thoughts of KZSF are in my review, so go there to see them, but I'll spoil that I liked it too. However, we're in a place with the internet nowadays where cynicism and undeserved harshness is viewed as a great way to get clicks. For all of GS' hollow talk after the GTAV review brouhaha, they know that keeping things Kotaku level will get more clicks than being fair. We wouldn't have seen this ten years ago.

I agree.

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#9 hellangel_boy
Member since 2007 • 180 Posts

Your complain about PS+ on PS4 doesn't make sense, because there aren't many games that they can give. I don't have a PS4, but I think they have done a good job supporting it with the PS+ for a system that has just been released. As for PS+ on the PS3, it's normal that it's gonna get better games as it has many, and they give games that are about 8 months old, and all games on the PS4 aren't even a month old!

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#10 hellangel_boy
Member since 2007 • 180 Posts

PS+ has done me a great job since I joined. Almost all of these games I wanted to get. PS+ has really saved me some good money.