As you said, both sweet in their own ways, but lets me put it like this;
COD: pros: -COD strong formula that has kept it for years -Minor new additions as it seems. Cons - It doesn't seem like a next gen game -Formula got really tired now.
BF: Pros: - Huge maps -More tactical gameplay -Good vehicle gameplay -the addition of 64 which is the best thing. Cons- Controls are clunky -Recoil is over-done -Lots of weapons that don't seem to offer much variety -Some bothersome bugs.
If I have to choose between the two, I would go with BF4 though, because BF has always been known for great 64 player matches, and with the next-gen capability we can finally have that on consoles. This the main advantage for me for BF4. Also because in BF3, maps were so big with little to do in them, unless you ride a vehicle, which made running through the map kinda boring. COD on the other hand isn't a real new next-gen game, it's the same game on this gen and next-gen, unless the 720p-1080p difference means a lot to you.
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