@poochythegenius @TKandPBC I play melee just fine and in not a expert player most of the time I use meta knight I don't even own the game, I think it's a matter of getting used to the speed, cause I got the same problem when I started playing melee.
And turning the JRPG into WOW? No, thank you cliffy keep chilling with ice t and you other lame friend and stay out of the way of devs that are 20 times more talented than you are, that's my advise to you.
While this will not kill Sony not by a long shop, yet still they can't get careless as to how they will operate. It will take time for everything to fall on the right places.
Great piece of technology...only need a great library of games to choose from and you'll have a classic let's see what games will come out on it's lifespan.
hellpolice's comments