@franky111: Origin and perhaps every single cloud tech based services are indeed pro to this approach therefore it is safe to assume the use of spyware is at hand. The best we can do is boycott these services. EA's Origin will be partners with Nintendo when the Wii U releases. It is all molding to corral the average gamer within a cybernetic sandbox meaning a false sense of freedom and for companies to gain more efficient control and therefore ensuring profits. If everything stated here comes to fruition, not only there will be a clandestine parallel internet but also a vast underground game development somewhat like the development communities found on Ubuntu and such. Necessity is the mother of all inventions.
You guys ever heard of Internet 2? This bill might pave the way for it. The government thinks that great and free highway that is the current internet can't be controlled, so they would love to build a new "better" one that will appear to make the original internet "obsolete" that's the bait the masses will fall for, thus it will enable the governments that are pro communistic-capitalism like this one to gain full control of net traffic. Now I don't know if this is even possible with current tech, but when carbon nanotubes and even quantum computers becomes the norm "god helps us all" However a clandestine alternate internet is very possible and it has been done before so there is some hope for achieving net neutrality after the internet is plagued by too much authority.
Ok gamespot stop making us suffering! You've made your point, you have a hacked Wii or a Japanese Wii and playing Xenoblade to your heart's content, and shove it all over our american faces one part at the time, seriously! lol!
Cloud tech and Onlive are eeeeviielll! indeeeed!! Do not buy cloud games! This has been an interruption to wake you up...now back to your regular programming!
I see a similar faith of that of Blockbuster happening to Gamestop and that SUCKS because I'm on the minority who still like owning the physical game instead of some download :(
hellpolice's comments