hellraiser6669's forum posts
Well, lets see. I don't really have a top 5, but I can list 5 games I play alot.
Manhunt 2
Bleach Heat the Soul 4
Monster Hunter Freedom Portable
Final Fantasy Tactics
Super Robot Taisen MX Portable
Some of them are Japanese games, which makes them hard for me to understand (I'm learning though :)).
My most anticipated games though are Crisis Core, Devil May Cry, and Gran Turismo.
I primarily bought my psp for portable online gaming and was deeply depressed to find out that it was only an option for certain games. The server issue is a valid argument, and it would be taking a major risk to do it, but sometimes risks need to be taken to make progress.
Now don't take this the wrong way, as I am not trolling, or trying to bash the psp (I absolutely love my PSP), but I'm hoping in the future that maybe Microsoft makes a handheld with better online gaming support. Doing this would possibly even be good for the PSPs online future, as they would create more games with infastructure to compete with MS.
My personal opinion ('Cuz I know I'll get flamed):
1. Manhunt series
2. Splinter Cell series
3. Tenchu series
4. Metal Gear series
I chose manhunt as the best because it has the whole stealth atmosphere. As well as the horror atmosphere. Splinter Cell was just an incredible game all around (I know the Metal Gear heads will say it was shallow because it didn't have a Japanese style storyline), especially the use of lighting and shadows for hiding. Tenchu was really good, I enjoyed the ninja aspect of it and the anime style kills. Metal Gear I chose last because I felt the stealth aspect was pretty shallow up until Snake Eater. Mostly it was just hide behind a wall or inside a cardboard box (yes I played MGS 1, 2 (I don't know why I bothered) and 3). The thing is, most times I didn't really feel a need to hide, as most of the missions you could just roll trough guns a blazin'.
I forgot about the Thief series, I would have to put that between Splinter Cell and Tenchu. Thief had a very good stealth mechanic as well.
Edited for spelling.
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