hellraiser6669's forum posts
Hmmmm, tough choice. If you've got the money I would say get both. If not thought, I would say get FFT, just cause I'm a FF fan and the original tactics was incredible. I haven't played Disgaea, although it looks very good. If it's anything like La Pucelle Tactics for PS2 than it should be a awesome game.
Would these games do well here (the Japanese ones mentioned above), and is it legal to operate them here? I know there's a language barrier with these games as well, but if their simple enough to where you don't really need to know Japanese to play it, would these games do well here (I know not all Japanese franchises are popular here)?
Also, would it help to use MAME cabinets as opposed to regular cabinets? I've seen numerous stores that sell arcade cabinets selling MAME cabinets that have multiple games on them. I'm not sure if this is legal or not though since it's using an emulator and roms.
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