hi i'm thinking of upgrading the graphics card in my pc can anyone recommend meone which is cheapish and good.specs are:dell 420 xpsquad 66002.4ghz3gb ram8800gt grfx
I'm getting a new pc but my question iswhat size monitor should i geti mean would it affect the gaming performanceif it's like 20"-24" or should i stick to a 19" widescreenthanx.
was thinking abt changing the video card anywaysthing is if u get a half decent video card from delltheir prices are sky high....any suggestions on what card to get taking into consideration mobo, watt etc.
hi there guys, i'm thinking of getting a xps 420 quadcore q6600 mainly for gaming,movies and web surfing,can anybody give me any advice on whether this pc wil be good enough for the latest gamesthanx.
XPS 420 Viiv Q6600 Quad Core 2.40GH3072MB DDR2 667 [2x1024 + 2x512) 500GB 7200rpm SATA HDNVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS Video Card for £500
sorry i don't want to upgrade my current pcand also i'm not THAT familiar with hardware to build my own pc although i wouldn't mind giving it a goi think i would need a lot of help if i was to build my own rig.going back to my point ..which quad core is a good choice to upgrade to a gaming pc.
on the dell site says £170 for a 8800gt which sounds pretty steepand yes a monitor is included in that pricei like crysis,cod4, need for speed most wanted couldnt get gears of war to work.
about £400-£450...i like fps and car racing gamesalso would it be a good idea to buy a business pc and upgrading it to a gaming pc as i find them a bit cheaper if so i had the dell vostro 410 in mind.
hi there everyonei currently have a dell dimension c521 amd sempron 1.8ghz 3400+2.5 gig ram140 gig hdIts a bit slow for gaming....sonow my question is im getting rid of it BUT what system would be a good replacementquad or dual and what graphics card would be goodthanx in advance.
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