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toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 6/4/2007

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 6/4/2007

This entry is a little different than the others. It is a recap of the last week of gaming. Check it: You can't ask for a better week than when toughbeef shows up to play Seven days in a row!! We added 115 points of gamerscore which ain't too shabby. Getting 12 achievements can do that to you. I was there. I saw it!

I was feeling a little bored last week and pestered toughbeef to try a new game: Mad Tracks. It wasn't as cool as I thought it would be. Also, I think toughbeef's favorite game last week was Aegis Wing. He played it on 4 of the days.

I could go on and on with the stats, but that is enough.

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 5/28/2007


Ok, here it is... your weekly recap of gaming: It is a good one! toughbeef had seven days of gaming! In a row! I know! Crazy! We added 370 points of gamerscore. Points are good! Those 19 achievements were worth it I guess!

For the record, we played 2 new games over the last week. They were Rush'n Attack, and XEVIOUS. They were all fun... in their own little ways. Also, according to the records, toughbeef must have been craving some FPS action because Battlefield 2: MC was the weekly favorite. He played it on 5 of the days.

Another week finished... staring down the barrel of another one. Check back to find out what happens!

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 5/21/2007


It is that time of the week. I got your weekly recap right here: It is a good one! toughbeef had seven days of gaming! In a row! I know! Crazy! We added 265 points of gamerscore. Points are good! Those 13 achievements were worth it I guess!

For the record, we played 2 new games over the last week. They were Aegis Wing, and Soltrio Solitaire. They were all fun... in their own little ways. Also, According to the records, toughbeef's favorite game last week was Aegis Wing. He played it on 5 of the days.

And that's it... short and sweet, just like my power cord

God Of War II Entry

I have completed god of war 2, the official time is 14:03:29.  It only took a couple of day to beat, it definitly a 10/10

The first PS2 game beaten this year

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 5/14/2007


Someone ask for a weekly recap? Even if you didn't, here it is: Not many Xboxes can claim seven days of gaming in a row. Last week toughbeef and I can... and we will... and it feels so good! It was productive... Gamerscore went up 95 points so I am happy. Yay for 5 achievements! w00t!

I think I read there were a bunch of new games released this last week... toughbeef and I only tried one of them: Double Dragon. Pretty fun I guess... Also, according to the records, toughbeef must have been craving some FPS action because Battlefield 2: MC was the weekly favorite. He played it on 6 of the days.

I could go on and on with the stats, but that is enough.

Top Ten Games I never completed


(10) X-Men Legends (xbox)  I got this game Nov 2005 and started playing it around the same time.  I stop playing the game after my brother told me he reserved the xbox 360 for me, after that I got addicted to achievements, so I put it up on the self.

(9) X-Men Legends II (Xbox) I picked this up in a bargin bin with x-men legends at my local Wal-mart.  I was going to play it right after I completed the first one, but x360 achievements are addictive, never got a chance to play it.

(8) Jade Empire (Xbox) Well, I got half way through the game.  Then one day, my nephew wanted to play some games on my xbox, I didn't care, after all I had and Xbox 360.  Thats the last time I saw my xbox, it's not mine anymore, it's his now.

(7) Fable: The Lost Chapter (xbox) I traded in the orginal fable for the expanded one.  The game is short, so I was at the end getting ready to play the expand missions of the game.  A friend came over that day, to tell me he got a new game that he beat in the same day.  To make long story short, he spoiled the game for me, he told me every thing about the extra missions, story, weapons, monsters, etc.  He also told me that the extra stuff was about two hours long, so I decided to put the game up on the self.  Thanks a lot.

(6) Wild Arms 3 (PS2)  I was up to the part were you have to go through two different tunnels, they were right next to each other.  A couple of days later I want back to playing game and completey forget what I needed to do or where I was so post to go, plus I got lost. 

(5) Resident Evil (GC)  I was playing this game with a friend, I got up to the snake and couldn't beat it(ran out of ammo).  My friend didn't want to play the game any more, she wanted to move on to onimusha: dawn of dreams.  I never played it again, because the game scares the hell out of me and I'm to chicken to play by myself.

(4) Trama Center (Nintendo DS) Just for the record this game is hard. I am stuck at the part where you have to suck the blood out the these bubbles (don't remember what there called) cut it off and then put the veins together.  I have been stuck at this part for a year.

(3) Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) I beat the last boss, but couldn't beat Sephiroth.

(2) Ninja Gaiden (Xbox) Made it to the last boss, could never beat her though.

(1) Chrono Cross (PS)  I got to the middle or so in the game (the part where the main character get his body back) and it frooze on me. I looked at the disc and there was scratches on it, so I went got a new copy of the game.  The new copy frooze at the place as the other one did, my PS2 scratch up the disc, so it won't play after that part.

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 5/7/2007


Ok, here it is... your weekly recap of gaming: If your Xbox is depressed, try playing seven days in a row like toughbeef did last week. It has a way of making you a bit giddy... Our gamerscore jumped 345 points which was nice. Getting 18 achievements has that effect.

If I had a DOLLAR for every new game I played during the week, I would have 2 bucks! w00t! I can now add Centipede & Millipede, and Catan to my collection... unless they were rentals or demos or betas. I couldn't tell. Oh, and I want to mention that toughbeef's favorite game last week was a serious FPS title... Battlefield 2: MC in fact... He played it on 5 of the days.

And that's it... short and sweet, just like my power cord.

Games I got in May (2007)

  • Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
  • God of War II (PS2)
  • Catan (X360 Acrade)
  • Centipede/Millipede (X360 Acrade)
  • Cooking Mama (Nintendo DS)
  • Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (Nintendo DS)
  • Shadow of Rome (PS2)
  • Double Dragon (X360 Acrade)
  • Aegis Wing (X360 Acrade)
  • Soltrio Solitaire (X360 Acrade)
  • Rush 'n Attack (X360 Acrade)
  • Xevious (X360 Acrade)


toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 4/30/2007


This entry is a little different than the others. It is a recap of the last week of gaming. Check it: Not many Xboxes can claim seven days of gaming in a row. Last week toughbeef and I can... and we will... and it feels so good! We added 310 points of gamerscore. Good stuff! Who knew 18 achievements could be worth that much? Ok I knew that...

I pestered toughbeef to try 2 games last week: Pinball FX, and Eets: Chowdown. It was a mix of good and bad. Oh, and toughbeef must have been in the mood to shoot things last week. We played some serious FPS! Battlefield 2: MC was the favorite game. He played it on 5 of the days.

And that's it... short and sweet, just like my power cord.

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 4/23/2007


Someone ask for a weekly recap? Even if you didn't, here it is: If your Xbox is depressed, try playing seven days in a row like toughbeef did last week. It has a way of making you a bit giddy... We added 455 points of gamerscore. Good stuff! Who knew 30 achievements could be worth that much? Ok I knew that... Also, I think we can all agree that toughbeef was a FPS junky last week playing a ton of FC Instincts Predator. He played it on 6 of the days.

That's all for now... keep reading the blog! Send us a PM or a game invite if you are lonely.