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hfriscia Blog

I got 13 new games this month

  • Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (X360)
  • Spider-man 3 (X360)
  • Rez HD (X360 Acrade)
  • Poker Smash (X360 Acrade)
  • Commanders: Attack of Genos (X360 Acrade)
  • Wild Arms 5 (PS2)
  • Neotupia (Wii(VC))
  • Neotupia II (Wii(VC))
  • Breath of Fire 2 (Wii(VC))
  • The Darkness (X360)
  • Enternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GC)
  • Baseball Stars 2 (Wii(VC))
  • The Legend of Zelda: A link to the past (Wii(VC))

Final Fantasy

I have completed final fantasy for the playstation. I logged in about 23:27 hours and stepped 56, 169 times, my level was 43. I never know how good this game was, especially since I never played rpg's when I was a kid. My first rpg experience was dragon warrior for the nes, I never really got into the game and didn't like it, because of DW, I was turned off by the genre all together. The game gave me a little trouble, the ice cavern had those dark wizards, they nailed my characters with a level 3 fire, right after each other, which killed me without getting a turn. I got lost in the earth cave for awhile that tack on a lot of hours; I didn't got all items or beaten all the monsters either, but I don't think that matters. I am happy to have played the game, I would have missed out on a great game.

Which game should I play next,

  • Final Fantasy II
  • Vagrant Story
  • Final Fantasy IX
  • Final Fantasy V
  • Final Fantasy VI
  • Final Fantasy IV
  • Chrono Trigger

R.I.P toughbeef, long live EverybodysRival...and some more stuff

Over this past weekend my toughbeef account was hacked, by some unknown thing, could have been someone from live or a web site, I don't know. It started after I played a game of gears of war online, I got message from someone stateing I suck, in so many words. My bank and my msn account got hacked as well, which means, I spent money on microsoft points when I couldn't log on to xbox live. The good news is I got my money back and decided to get rid of the toughbeef account, just in case they want to hack in it again. My new gamertag is EverybodysRival, I will not be accepting any friend requests from people I don't know, but if I know you than you can send a FR.

In other news, I find a detist and oral surgeon that will treat me, the best part is the surgeon knows how to treat people with my condition (Bone condition). Now all I have to do is find a Orthodontist who will treat me, which will be easier said then done. I spent close to a year looking for doctors and trying to get treated, for pressure in my head and pain in my neck, head and mouth. The problem is that teeth don't fall out, because of the rare genetic condition, so I still have my primery teeth and on top of the PT is my adult teeth trying to come down and laying on my sinus's. My adult teeth is causing the pressure, which is breaking the roots of my primery teeth (The painful part). If the orthodontist doesn't want to help then the only other option is major surgery, I'm not looking forward to. So I have not been to school in a year because of this, I have to say, I miss school a lot and can't wait to get back.

On the bright said of things, I did get a new game, Lost Planet. So I'm playing my xbox 360 again.

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 1/28/2008

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 1/28/2008

It is hard to believe another week has passed. Here is the recap: If you are an Xbox, you might be jealous that toughbeef showed up to game 5 days this last week. Happy happy joy joy! We added 35 points of gamerscore. Good stuff! Who knew 3 achievements could be worth that much? Ok I knew that... Also, I think toughbeef's favorite game last week was Streets of Rage 2. He played it on 4 of the days.

So there you have it... Check back next week for another report from yours truly.

Bad week at the office

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 1/21/2008

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 1/21/2008

This entry is a little different than the others. It is a recap of the last week of gaming. Check it: Not many Xboxes can claim seven days of gaming in a row. Last week toughbeef and I can... and we will... and it feels so good! Our gamerscore jumped 190 points which was nice. Getting 11 achievements has that effect.

In the 'new game' category, I only have one to talk about... Guitar Hero III. I wasn't even going to mention it, but I figured my readers might get mad. So there it is. Also, by my expert calculations, toughbeef's favorite game last week was LOTR, BFME II. He played it on 2 of the days.

So there you have it... Check back next week for another report from yours truly.

Games I beaten in 2008

Xbox 360

  • Far Cry Instincts Predator
  • Gears of War
  • Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-earth II
  • Crackdown
  • Bioshock
  • Burnout Revenge
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent
  • Call of Duty 3
  • Call of Duty 4
  • Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
  • Quake 4
  • Halo 3
  • Dead or Alive 4
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles
  • The Darkness
  • Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
  • Lego Indiana Jones
  • Overlord
  • Condemned 2: Bloodshot
  • Rainbow Six: Vegas

Xbox 360 Acrade

  • Heavy Weapon
  • Small Arms
  • Doom
  • Streets of Rage 2
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • Arkadian Warriors
  • Pac-Man C.E.


  • Darkwatch


  • Marvel Ultimate Alliance


  • Final Fantasy


Wii (VC)

  • Actraiser



  • Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 1/14/2008

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 1/14/2008

This entry is a little different than the others. It is a recap of the last week of gaming. Check it: I told toughbeef that 6 days of playing would be ideal... so last week there was some extra effort to get us there. Good job! We added 55 points of gamerscore which ain't too shabby. Getting 7 achievements can do that to you. I was there. I saw it!

For the record, we only played one new game this last week. It was Omega Five. I was hoping for a few more, but I guess not everyone is made out of money! Also, I think toughbeef's favorite game last week was Streets of Rage 2. He played it on 6 of the days.

That's all for now... keep reading the blog! Send us a PM or a game invite if you are lonely.

Games I got Jan (08)

  • Metal Slug 3 (X360 Arcade)
  • Omeiga five (X360 Arcade)
  • Serious Sam (Xbox)
  • Deus Ex: The invisible War (Xbox)
  • Dai Senryaku VII: Mordern Military tactics (Xbox)
  • Milirtary Madness (Wii)
  • Excitebike (Wii)
  • Punch-out (Wii)
  • Super Mario Bros.: The lost levels (Wii)
  • Full Spectrum Warrior (xbox)
  • Guitar Hero III (Xbox 360)
  • Call of Duty: Finest Hour (xbox)

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 1/7/2008

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 1/7/2008

Are you ready for a recap? I know I am! Giddyup: I told toughbeef that 6 days of playing would be ideal... so last week there was some extra effort to get us there. Good job! It was productive... Gamerscore went up 310 points so I am happy. Yay for 14 achievements! w00t!

I was also pretty happy about the 2 new games this last week. They were (in no particular order) Command & Conquer 3, and Metal Slug 3. I liked them. I think toughbeef did too. Oh, and from what I remember, toughbeef's favorite game last week was Command & Conquer 3. He played it on 3 of the days.

And that is all I got... it's not much, but it is interesting.

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 12/31/2007

toughbeef's Weekly Recap - 12/31/2007

Watch closely because here comes the recap... if you aren't paying attention, you might miss it: toughbeef played 6 days last week... pretty solid I guess... I'm not feeling that picky lately. Our gamerscore saw a 155 point boost which is good. I guess that is what completing 9 achievements can do! Oh, and toughbeef must have been in the mood to shoot things last week. We played some serious FPS! F.E.A.R. was the favorite game. He played it on 2 of the days.

I could go on and on with the stats, but that is enough.