I've noticed that for me the truly timeless classics are the games that focused more on artstyle and story / presentation.
Planescape Torment - Over a decade since it's release it's still the best storyline and writing in a game, and I'd also say the best Western RPG ever made.
Day of the Tentacle - The game came out in 1993...going on 20 years later it's still just as fun to play and it's a look has held up well over time.
Grim Fandango - Great unique looking game to this day and one of the coolest settings and storylines in a game.
The Longest Journey - Still one of the best adventure games ever made and one of the best stories in a game. It's look also has held well over time.
Okami - This is the closest anyone has come to a "Zelda-like" game experience, in fact, I would say in some areas this game managed to beat Zelda at it's own game. This is also one of the most artistic games ever made. The whole look is like an artistic canvas come to life.
ICO - It's no surprise that 10 years after this game was released, it's getting ported to a new generation practically as is aside from a resolution upgrade...and still looks every bit as good. Definitely one of the best and most atmospheric and artistic games ever created.
Shadow of the Colossus - Same as ICO.
Metroid Prime - Going on over a decade since this game released, and it's still a defining game in the genre that hasn't really been topped. I don't think any game has really blended first-person-action-shooting with adventure as well as this game did. Not to mention, it's still a good looking game.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - People mocked the cell-shaded look when it first released...ironically, it's that very artistic approach that has allowed the game to hold up well visually over all these years. This is still one of the best entries in the entire series.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - Excellent atmospheric action-adventure with a great artistic look that has held up well since 2003.
Silent Hill / Silent Hill 2 / Silent Hill 3 - Next to Amnesia: The Dark Descent, the original Silent Hill is still probably the creepiest game ever made, even over a decade after it's release. Silent Hill 2 upped the ante by going more psychological, and Silent Hill 3 was the perfect sequel to the original story, capping off the original's story is an excellent way. To me, the series, at least the true series, is a trilogy consisting of these games.
The graphics are definitely dated in the original game, and to an extent in Silent Hill 2...but the Atmosphere is still there.
Silent Hill 3 is a whole other story...it's graphics and visuals have definitely held up very well since it's release in 2003. In fact, it still has some of the best character models I've seen in a game, on any platform, to the point that the in-game character model details are literally practically as good as the cutscenes. It's amazing that this was a game on PS2 (and later PC) released back in 2003...cause it looks for more advanced. Best of all, the gameplay is there as is the great story that connects perfectly with the original.
Half-Life / Half-Life: Opposing Force - It graphics my be dated, but there's something about the original HL and it's awesome expansion that make it just as much fun to play as it was back in 1998 / 1999. Valve really captured magic in the genre, and imo it wasn't matched until HL2 released in 2004. Half-Life was really a defining entry in the genre.
I haven't played some of those first ones, or the Silent Hill series, but generally I agree with you. Some of those games are my all time favorite games. I think they bring more to the table in terms of design, originality and presentatition. And generally they use there own gaming engine.
Out of curiosity, what does everyone think will be the games moving forward that people will be talking about 10 years from now.
The game that I am most excited about is The Last Guardian. An obvious choice, but I believe it will deliver in the best possible way. I think there is a lot to be excited about, but unfortunately nothing real original that will stand out on the way. The economy probably has at least a little to do with that.
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