@FAIL_TR0LL @COPMAN221ISBACK They were all utterly crap. Especially Fable: The Journey destroyed a beloved Franchise. Way to go Kinect. Need more of that!
The more rumours I hear about the new Xbox 720 the more I think Microsoft seems to be really pushing their luck this time. I am an avid fan of Xbox 360 and own nearly 200 games on the console, but if only half of these rumours are true the Xbox 360 was my last console and I'm back to being a PC Gamer as before.
@leviathanwing Since the German computer game market is the second biggest in the world and most PC Games are nowadays only on Steam I do not think so Tim!
This one looks rather ugly compared to say the Halo 4 Controller, or the Silver Controller, or the Fable 3 controller or in fact every other themed Controller I have seen ...
Yeah and it was totally logical that one a research station on Mars there would be no sodding piece of wire or duct tape, with which any not half-braind-dead hero would tape or wire is flashlight to his gun so that he actually could see AND shoot the monsters.
Artistic integrity ... sheez
P.S. Yes we gamers want to play games the way we want to play them. That is why we spend our hard earned cash for them. To have fun ... to fund the art community ... If I would want to do that I would by art ... not an xbox game ...
hinzkunz's comments