-Alan wake = subhd -halo reach = subhd -splinter cell = subhd -Crysis 2 = subHD -KZ3, UC2, Gow3 = 720p
-Alan wake = subhd -halo reach = subhd -splinter cell = subhd -Crysis 2 = subHD -KZ3, UC2, Gow3 = 720p
Where are the PS3 fanboys army?ocidax Lems are buying a FPS just for the Graphics? Even though they know the MP is utter crap? And they make fun of Killzone Gameplay?
They canceled PS3 Demo just so they can show more 360 footage, I'm not buying this $60 for the campaign. Redbox it
The game looks great indeed, one of the best looking on consoles but dont dare try calling it grafix king on SW, everyone won't let it be
Still not buying this POS gameplay, graphics look great but Gameplay, not so much. I should rather buy MW3 before this POS
I think someone caught the MS train, we got paid lots of $$ so oh well, let's just give the PS3 players a small taste just to shut them up then back to counting our $$
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