@SingletreeAve Aiming wouldn't be an issue if there wasn't that sequence where you have to man the sentry gun to take down mooks. Stealth wouldn't be an issue if you weren't forced into boss fights that makes Deus Ex look competent.
@SgtStrungOut @I_are_Cake There is a difference between teaching and babying. Not many people know the difference between the two, judging by the comments above and the developers around us.
Currently using a Blackwidow Ultimate Stealth keyboard (boxing day for 90 bucks), and it's a solid keyboard. Regardless of their more gimmicky products, Razer usually makes solid products when they stick to fundamentals.
Is it now a sin that Nintendo rehashes old formulas such as solid controls, great level design and fun experiences with an emphasis on interactivity and exploration? Oh no, Nintendo won't make a wannabe blockbuster film. Wait, they did? Oh, Disaster: Day of Crisis.
@yavix If they are going to make a new IP, it would be in a genre no other existing IP that is covering it. Shiggy Miyamoto was interested in making a first person game. Who knows?
@Shadowdanc3r @hiphops_savior Under your logic, since every FF title has a character named Cid, recurring weapons, Chocobos, Airships (mostly), and androgynous male protagonists, every FF sequel is basically the same.
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