I don't want to do work today. We have our Department's Holiday Party, starting in a few minutes, and I'm running back and forth trying to accomplish that, because I'm the organizer. Doing enrollment is the furthest thing from my mind.
Plus, a few minutes ago, I seriously thought I broke my hand. I didn't. And the pain is pretty much gone. But, it hasn't been the best morning.
(Terrific. The catering is late. I had a nightmare last night where I had to stretch 6 veggie subs for 60 people! I hope my nightmare isn't coming true! The party starts in 10 minutes!)
So, I thought I'd relax and talk to you about a short internet movie I've got on DVD. You can find the whole thing on YouTube (broken into the three segments), or you can find the complete, unbroken movie on Hulu, if you live in the States.
(It's now 1:30. Catering arrived 5 minutes after I wrote that, and they even threw in a meat that I didn't order! Everything went well. My boss gave the staff a very nice Christmas present, and I bought two more movies with it!)
It's 2008's Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (8.8 stars). This makes it the 2nd highest-rated movie I've done so far. However, since it wasn't released as a movie, it's not part of the IMDb's Top 250 List.
This is actually a difficult thing to classify. It won an Emmy, and Time Magazine named it the 4th Best Television Series of 2008. However, it NEVER aired on TV. It was an internet video (and now, it's a DVD. Only for North America. Sorry.)
Actually, I can give you the entire cast list, seeing that there are only about 15 cast members, but I won't. I'll give you the main three: Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, Felicia Day. It's written by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon, Zack Whedon, and Maurissa Tancharoen. It's directed by Joss Whedon.
It's about a wannabe super villain, Dr. Horrible/Billy (Harris) who has two dreams: he wants to get into the Evil League of Evil, and he wants Penny (Day), the girl at the laundromat he frequents as Billy. He does a video blog, regarding his plans to get into the E.L.E. and his hatred for the local hero, Captain Hammer (Fillion). (Captain Hammer is well named, because he's about as subtle as one.) However, Captain Hammer and Penny soon get together, further frustrating Billy/Dr. Horrible.
It is a musical, and the songs are insanely good! Really. I have the soundtrack, and I listen to it all the time. For a long time, the soundtrack #1 TV season on iTunes for 5 weeks in a row.
Here's the story behind this project:
It was filmed during the writer's strike of 2008. Joss Whedon (who you probably know as the creator of Buffy, Firefly, Angel, Dollhouse) wanted to do a project, separate from the conflict between the writers and producers. One of the things that were being fought about was the writers wanted compensation for producers streaming the shows that they write online. Whedon decided to showcase that the Internet is a powerful new medium for movies and shows. And, he wanted to do something cheap, cheap, cheap. But it also had to be good.
So, they came up with this project. Everyone worked for free, with promise of profits (if any. And there were.) It was streamed for free. The DVD and the soundtrack were purchased, as was the downloads from iTunes (viewers would also have to pay for the download, but if you wanted to watch it one time on their website, that was free.)
And this was a major hit.
The DVD is pretty awesome. There are two commentary tracks. The first one is just a standard cast and director/writers commentary track. The second one is the funnier of the two. It's a musical commentary track, and it is hilarious! Completely new songs, the cast make fun of each other, Joss, the whole process, the writer's strike. According to this commentary, Neil Patrick Harris is a meglomaniac showoff, Nathan Fillion has some serious jealousy (or possibly denial) issues, Felicia Day is a wannabe artiste, Joss Whedon is one step away from destroying the world to reflect his mood. It's absolutely hilarious (and, no, I don't believe for one minute that they're actually like that.)
Find it on YouTube or Hulu. It's 45 minutes, total. Warning: it ends very Joss Whedon-like (tragically). And there is a lot of debate about what the very last image means. I don't want to tell you what I think, because that would spoil everything.
Hope you like it!
Till next time.
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