its the american way :P
hitomo's forum posts
this was a day, I can tell you ...
as you may remember I have to move to a new flat untill the end of the year ... this current house is terrible, noise wise, luckily I am surrounded by mostly old and thus silent People ... but someone moved into teh flat above me now ... hes only there at night and tramples ... so I really suspect a scheme to drive me out as early as possible ... this morning I catched him before he was leaving the house and it got very angry and loud between us ... I just slamed the door and he left in the end, but I had this strange Feeling this wasnt the real end of this the whole day Long ... and guess what, I was already sleeping and this guy is back, hammering at my front door ... I couldn have opened the door without getting directly at him ... so I just called the Police and hoped they would arrive before he decided to break the door ... basicly I stood for 20 minutes with a vaccumcleaner tube in hands behind the door this guy was hammering for the whole time ...
I mean, wow ... talking about 'reality is knocking at the front door' ... or karma ... or hitting that wall
how crazy are dreams you ask ... they cant be much crazier then 'all of this' ;)
found this Expression, forgive the Anime style ...
cant get this out of my head now
this was ones the most advanced CG Trailer of its time
you realise the Terminator Franchise only became a Franchise after T2 ...
I'm going with Fury Road. Keep in mind, I'm not saying that Fury Road did more right, I'm saying that Fury Road did less wrong.
T2's strengths are spectacular, and possibly even better than the best moments in Fury Road. But T2 gets bogged by too much "wtf" type stuff. Meanwhile, I think that Fury Road was just more consistently good.
Seriously, there is a LOT of stuff in T2 that just doesn't make sense. Well, maybe not a LOT, but definitely more than in Fury Road. In any case, T2 did far more damage to its franchise than Fury Road ever did. With Fury Road, it felt to me like still just another one of Max's adventures. It didn't **** with the "mythology." Meanwhile, T2 ****ed up the mythology of that universe royally, introducing a bunch of things that directly contradicted the previous movie, and I always got the impression that James Cameron was thinking, "who cares about continuity or logic...IT'S BADASS." And that's the exact same kind of mentality that led to the later sequels sucking.
Here's the thing: Mad Max has been on a lot of adventures, so there's zero problem just showing another Mad Max adventure. It might be a good adventure or it might be a bad adventure, but we can rest assured that all of the key elements will remain intact later on. Furthermore, MOST of the Mad Max movies (all but the first) can dismiss any inconsisencies or "wtf moments" as history being distorted by unreliable people. The first movie shows how Max became mad, but both the second and third movies CLEARLY treat Max as a legendary figure and we learn that we are viewing the story through the point of view of those who Mad Max has saved. And while Fury Road doesn't go quite that far, given the franchise's history it's very easy to view the entire movie as being later told by Furiosa. That isn't necessarily throwing logic and continuity into the wind, that's accepting that the legend is more important than the facts because it's the legend that inspires people to greatness.
By contrast, T2 really ****ed things up. The entire Terminator franchise was built on VERY specific rules. T2 then throws those rules out, with NO explanation, just because the original movie sort of rendered any sequels moot. In other words, Cameron completely threw "making sense" into the wind and deliberately discarded the very rules that define the franchise just in order to make another Terminator movie. As badass as the actual results are, I still get a little bit annoyed simply due to feeling like my intelligence is being insulted. "Doesn't make sense? Who cares? Just make it bigger and badder with more explosions, and no one will notice or care." T2 gets a little bit of a pass simply for being competent as **** despite being kind of stupid and insulting. The problem is that the later entries into the series kept with James Cameron's precedent of "being kind of stupid and insulting" and didn't have the "competent as ****" people there to transform garbage into something that's entertaining anyway. But I have to hate on T2 a little bit simply because THAT was the moment that marked when the franchise had gone off the rails. That was the precedent that led subsequent and inferior filmmakers to say, "it doesn't matter if this is stupid, just blow some stuff up real good and audiences will be too stupid to care."
More Mad Max movies? Who cares? Maybe they'll be good, maybe they'll be bad, but someone might as well give it a shot. The series lends itself to that approach. But go watch The Terminator and it was CLEARLY structured as a self contained story that was both the beginning and end of that world. Any other stories would be redundant and inconsequential without deliberately taking a giant shit on the movie that started the franchise-that-never-should-have-been-a-franchise. The reason that the Terminator franchise is shit is because everyone's trying to make another T2. So, if nothing else, at least we can't say that George Miller accidentally ran his own franchise into the ground.
look at this gem ... guess u missed it ;)
filters are full of the ... filtered stuff! ... they are like concentrated toxic
thx, I enjoy this Video, and I dont even have to listen to the Music ... ^^
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