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hitomo's forum posts
go here for download and some instructions: http://www.racedepartment.com/forum/resources/race-driver-modifications.478/
for a direct download go here: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=00156653046993428334&gk=laptop
there are all the details
solved it ... make sure you have 2GB free disk.space on (C:) ... regardless where you have actually installed the game ...
hey, where can I get a full replay of my races? ... I would expect to see a replay after every race, but I can only Continue or Restart and nothing more adter I finished a race ... is this normal, I just started to play the game ...
in actual raytrace driven games, the raytraycing process will deliver source data not only for refelctions, but also for physics, dynamics, shadowing and mybe AI calculations... of course tehre are no such games or machines available now... but if games will be raytrace-driven they wil also speed up like you could never compare to anything we know now... the otehr thing is, that V-ram will not be an issue anymore, because all visual-calculations will not be based on millions of pixels but will be based on (a few) rays... so v-ram will only be used to fill the screen with pixels then... wich will make graphic-boards like we know obsolet...
like every console-hardware available now... yes in theory a system with a cluster set-up like the PS3 is made for doing raytraycing... but in physical reality you cant expect anything from this hardware other than that they might be able to work with high-resolution textures in the future, wich would make in-game graphics like in the very first post possible... of course, you dont see the things that are reflected onto the car on the pics... so , I expect they still have quite a gap to close between such targets and real-time-in-game...
and if you ask me, a racing game would benefit more from things they did in DiRT with car-behavoir and ionteractions between them, nowadays, then bringing carmodels on pre-rendered level, while neglegting every other aspect of realism in a racing game... but I knoe GT is not a racing but a driving game ^^
of course, videogames are Art, its no question about that... because they are products of creativity... it depends on your very own definition of art... but if you get to the point where you can freely say, yes, I understand that art is the media of truth ... you will be able to really sort things out (if you get less comlex)... but for now its enough for you to know, yes, videogames are art...
for me it was one of the most surprisingly good games ever ... (like Kane&Lynch)
I dont care about Oblivion or elderscrolls or Bethesta ... but FO3 is like there where never a pause between FO2 and FO3, but there are actual 10years between those games... it must be the best sequel ever thought out... the advertising was horrible and fokused on all the things they expected 14year old kids would might like in agame... the advertising made me hate FO3 ...
but the actual game is genius and brilliant ... it was made by people wich cared about the original Fallout spirit... and sold by people wich made it as mainstream and thus appealing as possible ... if you take a second thought about this, the whole concept of the marketing followed a Fallout-scheme of making satiric and sarcastic fun out of actual (american) society ... besides GTA4 I never laughed so hard about american-lifestyle and its selfdestructive idotism ... (always check or hack the terminals and reas!)
... man thats too crazy.... tell me its not :D
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