The reason the Wii is selling three times as much as any other console right now isn't because the fact that it has "killer app". It's because of a new way to play and be creative and that is a fact.
playing games was never be concidered an creative act itself, making a game is creativity...
plaing a video game is "cheap" replacment of creativity cause you are not creative at all but just running through a labyrinth like a lap rat trying to get behind the mechanics the maker of the game has developed to pose you a "problem"... and giving you a Wii-mote is just step further to replace this with no one reconginzing it...
besides that, dancing-games dont make you look like you are dancing... you probably know that
the wii mote is like an interactive-laserpointer, while this is not new, no one has tryed to make use of it for videogaming... but the best use for it is as sort of interactive laserpionter... anything else is just the involvment of some physical activities... wich was always a matter of tase ...
but they will have to utilize the controller and make it intuitive,
I dont see the need for them to do so, cause the Wii isnt forcing them to do so. The Wii is inexpensive and fenzy, so there will be alot of devices around, wich makes it perfect for mainstream-distribution...
see, videogaming equipment was always expensive in regards to its "use" when compared to other entertainment-devices,... so the development was always around the visual aspects of the game and to improve them, so the only way to make videogames mass-apealing was always to bring the visuals to somethng lifelike... when videogames started to look 3dimensinal and lifelike they become really mass entertaining... so the only reason to buy a new very expensive gamingconsole was its promise to enhance the visuals and the lifelikeness of the games ...
so since games are selling there plattforms, the developers where always in need to make games that fulliy utilize the capabilites of the enhanced hardware ... to make a visible reason for the customer for purchaising a new hardware
so the Wii would be perfect and everything you say, if they had put in some experimetal or newly developed stuff of hardware ... and if they had made GoW for Wii, or MGS or something on par with next-gen graphics... then they would been forced to utilize the wii-mote and make it intuitive....
but as it is, they just need to port older games, tak on some motion sensing to make a good deal... and as much as I like DS games they just dont support that gaming I am talking about, thats just the B-market of gaming... puzzles, reaction and such games.... like the new Wario, its a shame it isnt for Wii, isnt it
games like Phoenix Wright, Yoshi's Island, and Elite Beat Agents sell really good. Thus having devs make good games similar to these to have their games sell.
see, this totaly supports my point that N is feeding the mainstream-core of the industry... those games are okay, I guess, but they nowhere near "an expression of creativity and intellect"...
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