So because of this only "selling" titles are being produced, and what titles sell? Well the ones that most people who own the console want. And who are these people? Simple teenagers who know nothing about gaming and just want to be "cool". And what is "cool" to them? Simple anything appealing...
I totally agree with you. But I would like to take that further by saying that basicly everybody today wants to be a "teenager" and everyone is behaving and thinking like one, cause they like it that way...
gaming is an industry and not what it was six years ago anymore, its like hollywood... exactly like it...
but this is a fact and cant be changed only be faced... and even when its an industry, its possible to have games wich are an expression of creativity and intellect ... but cause it is an industry it is driven by mainstream-content... and only on the far top of all that average, unsubstantiel content, are the real gems, the products of high quality and depht, wich not only feed an urge you are already possesing but able to open you up to new thoughts and views...
but those games made by real people for real poeple will happen outside of that industry, but they will almost rule the industry from that outside-position just by its pure quality....
but those "real" developers will be working with the best equipment available, and using the advanced algorithyms made, to fullfill there visions of telling a story through gameplay and interaction...
they will not be found in that field of the mainstream-industry shaping the core of it and producing avarage mediocre titles... to face reality big N. suffered a lot with the "flop" of the gamecube... and saw his only change to survive by feeding that mainstream-core of the industry... by forcing new audience for there systems offering a gaming-expierience in handeld-quality in XXL...
to be honest what is the Wii-mote other than the at-home version of the DS-concept...?
so big-N isnt offering a platform anymore that can support the real creative portion of developers, cause the advancement is only made at the top of the whole development/Industry...
and if anything could proof the newly created formula "gamplay over graphics" it would be FLOW... but Sony has soaked in the whole "motion-sensing offering something inovative" thing... and the attempts to tack on motion-sensing to most of the Wii-games seems a bit pathetic....
and I am afraid there will be nothing nice for the Wii when the titles original made for gamecube, wich was technical-leader of its generation, are through....
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