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hongkingkong Blog

360 60 Gb arrives...

... a day or two ago I got my new 360 60Gb. There are a few noticable differences like a much lighter transformer adaptor thing saying 175W, also a large ammount of crudware demos installed courtesy of MS.

I would be enjoying Castle Crashers if the blooming thing worked online. I'm lvl 8 with Green guy but i've been putting time into Gears and Halo 3 on my new Gamertag which is : CurbStomp9000 now so add me :D

Games for a pound and Castle Crashers!!!

At my local Zavvi there are a tonne of games in a bargain bucket saying each is £1.00 only.

Amongst these are titles like: Red faction 2, Heroes of Might and Magic 4, Prey, Hitman. WTH games this good shouldn't be £1.00!!! (roughly $2.00) heck i'm not complaining when they're that cheap! Notice they are all PC games... well PC gaming isn't dying but this is a wound that i shall drink the blood from! (bad analogy)

I'm finding myself unnaturally attached to a game that hasn't even been released yet - Castle Crashers.

If it meant anything I'd put my reputation on the line for this game. It certainly has one of the best dev blogs of any game ever created and the long wait for ths game that started life near the beginning of the Xbox 360 is about to be released. Some say 1,200 points is too steep for an arcade game. Fut! Such blaspheme would give way to absolution upon the day of reckonin', the 27th August 2008.

Here's the jist: adventure beat 'em up with simple RPG system set in a cartoon- ****middle-ages land. 4 player co-op over xbl + 4 player arena battles. Hack and slash gameplay with magic spells to smash stuff and enemies. To get a good look at the game (if you haven't seen it already) go to the dev blog on the link above.

2d has come back in a big way, making 3d look like a bad joke, lets hope it's here to stay because I for one certainly believe we aren't finished with it.

Help me select!

Your weapon of choice from these (pick one or two from each):

Contra 4
Hotel Dusk
Mario 64
New Super Mario Bros
Brother In Arms DS
Kirby Canvas Curse
Tetris DS
Mortal Kombat
any other non turn based game u can think of.....

Dragonball Z Burst Limit
Lego Star Wars Complete

I am useless at decisions, my opinion doesn't make a reliable prediction either, i throw the ball out to whoever is reading :P

Back from ban, again

There 2 reasons to have a blog. 1, to talk about yourself. 2, to rant about stuff thats happened to you.

This post details the latter.

I was banned recently for 7 days for saying to a fella on SW "You sir, are a baboon"

Now i can understand banning people for being rude but this ignorant twonk needed a bit of lightning up so i thought of something funny to say and the mods done got moi a beeefy 7 day suspension.

This brings my moderation history to about 5 pages, honestly I can't see how i get these reductions, close to 7000 posts and i am still at lvl 20 odd. It doesn't bother me greatly in real life (i'll soldier on, lol) but its confusing how much crap you get modded for especailly in that bastien of flaming called SW.

PS. this was my first flaming the rest apparently were spam (rick roll lol i got suspended so many times for that) and a bit of trolling though that is debatable.

Orders in!!!

The long anticipated rig has been ordered from, i can't wait till its up and running, but i'll have to for now :(. Here it is:

Intel e8200 processor
2Gb OCZ 800mhz RAM
Innovision 8800 GTS 512Mb
ASUS P5N-D full SLI Motherboard
700W Arctic PSU
250Gb Maxtor OEM HDD
Samsung 20X DVD+CDRW Drive
Mid Tower case that does the job!
Windows Vista 64-bit AND Windows XP 32-bit edition :D :D :D :D
LG22" Monitor with composite for PS3,TV and DSUB for PC
Headphones, no money for speakers :(
DeathAdder Mouse awwww yeah :D :D :D
Logitek G11 gaming keyboard (don't see the point in the LCD screen on the G15)

Overall, I'm so exited I can't feel my arms!!!!


PS3 price drop to £300. With that you can play R&C, LBP, Uncharted, Killzone 2, MGS4. Doesn't seem like a lot considering the Elite is the same price. Tempting...

DS Lite arrives

I've finally got it! £100 at GAME of all places with free Brain Training. Great deal at my foe of a shop, which I am delighted is keeping up with other main competitors, finally, and has adopted a less casual approach to gaming and also caters to a more 'HARRRRDDCOOOOORE' market also.

Anyhoo, I am at a crossroads of what to do with this uber cool thing. I am getting Mario Kart to start but after that I am uncertain what I will blow my money on until Xmas when/if my family gets a Wii. But of course I am human and I have needs outside of gaming (i. driving lessons, university, clothes, going out and doing stuff) so i'm gonna have to bite the bullet and only go for one or possibly 2 more games this year and thats it, i'm having a tough time deciding which because theres so man out there that appeal to me. And i have a 360 to worry about, Halo 3, Mass Effect, GTA4, Assassins Creed... I have to answer the call and get these, they are just way too cool!

Here is the magical moment I unravelled the DS, notice the shiny aura once desheathed:


Its a great piece of kit and looks great in black, the white and blue are ok but this truly looks the bogs dollocks. Nintendo certainly aren't dead yet, whoever doubted them should hang their heads in shame :D.

I am not amused :[

Not only does UK game retailer "GAME" miss the point of easter by a mile and decide easter is a time for giving, they have got their promotions completely wrong. Out of curiousity i found that apparently Viva Pinata is an Explosive Action Game but is aimed at 18-26 year olds. I followed through the process and this is the evidence:

oh dear god

Skip 3 and 4 , all it says is xbox 360 and over £40

here is a link to this blasphemous corprate money grabbing wretched heap of insanity

Now thats annoying

So I got a copy of GRAW (for 360) off ebay, and when it arrived there was some cracks on the disk.  Not part of the product description I might add.

I am uber annoyed at this.  I am hoping the seller will co-operate in sorting this out so I don't have to get ebay involved.

ebay sucks.:(

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