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hongkingkong Blog

Another one of those lame game idea things.

Here's mine :D

Its a 1st/3rd person tactical shooter/strategy (its a bit of i mouthful i know).

In the menu you get to select faction from key points in history (and beyond) and famous or not so famous battlefeilds on which to fight on.  For example you can put Apache Indians against the modern US military.  Also in the menu you can decide the objectives of the battle, how many units there are, how many you put in a squad, where the squads are placed, their objective, vehicles and supplies and basically the freedom to create your own battle.

In the interface you select the character you wish to embody, when the person dies they either hotswap or respawn depending on the mode you select.  You are allowed to change squads during gameplay and issue commands or relay important information to your team mates.  The terrain is a mix of plains, mountains, structures (buildings), sea, air and forrest.  There are different classes of units to select, they start off with unique weapons but supplies like heavy machine guns and artilery can be dropped in at cost to your team's account.  When the account expires you have no money to spend on arms.  The ticket count shows how many troops you have left to respawn (or not depending on the game type you select).

There are 3 character ranks: private, officer and commander (similar to BF2).  The private is a member of a squad that takes orders from an officer or commander.  The officer is the leader of a squad, a squad can contain as many privates as the player wishes.  The commander issues comands to the officers.  The commander veiw is a view from up high where you can make big decissiions affecting the battle.  You can switch character classes in game via a nifty in-game menu.

Cool roles can be assigned to your team, e.g. One can fly a drop plane dropping parachutists into battle, or one could drive a black hawk helicopter and you could storm a villiage 'Apocalipse Now' style, one could be your personal bodyguard, the list goes on.

The great thing about this game idea is that you design the battle you want, as big or small you want.  If you want to hurl hundreds of barbarian Gauls into a line of artiliery and machine guns and see who wins, you can!  If you want a historic stand off, you can!  If you want to play a tactical squad based game, you can!  If you want to stop reading now, you can!  Because I'm finished :D

If you read this far you need a life or you found it interesting.  If this is the latter then thanks for reading.

PS this ones a cool idea too lol

gotm March

This month I elect Winning Eleven 9 (Pro Evolution Soccer 5) for the PSP as the game of the month.

Recently I have been playing this game.  I have noticed how it is almost exactly the same the PS2 version but with a few features removed.  Luckily the removed features included the lazy and obvious comments uttered by the moronic commentator who's name escapes me.

It has a great league and exhibition match mode which are both highly addictive and realistic.  As ever the gameplay hasn't changed, and thank god it hasn't!  The gameplay is the reason people come back to this series.

Unfortunately, there are only 2 licensed FA Premiership clubs (Arsenal and Chealski).  Also there is no option to create new players, which was always a fun feature.

Despite a few disapointments, Winning Eleven 9 has transfered to the PSP practically unscathed.  Its a great series and slightly excels its main competitor the EA Sports FIFA series.

Got a PSP

Got my PSP finally.  £239.99 from GAME.  It was a giga pack with Street Fighter Alpha......, Pro Evolution Soccer 5 and Ridge Racer.

Oh and it rocks!!!!!


I have FINALLY odered Resident Evil 4 : Specail Edition.  A great deal only £17.99.  Its my last ps2 game before I sell it for good :cry: lol.


I will elect a GOTM at the end of each month.  New or old (but preferably new) I will offer my 'constructive criticism'.

This month was over-shadowed by one big disappointment 'Black'.  I mean it just looked so cool but got such a rubbish review.  I think personally it would have got a decent review if it wasn't so highly anticipated.  But this has nothing to do with GOTM.

This month I elect a classic.  It isn't graphically stunning now but the gameplay is brilliant.  It was followed by a disappointing sequel which had better graphics but 'reinvented' the gameplay and ultimately ruined the franchise.  I am of course talking about Dungeon Keeper.  If you have not played this game then you simply have not lived.  The game is set in a fantasy medieval era.  Where the good peoplelive above ground, and the evil creatures live in dungeons underground.  The aim of the game is to tunnel through walls using your worker imps, and build specailist rooms, attracting different types of creatures to your dungeon.  You have to work hard to maintain a ballance to pay your minions and train them up to conquer rival keepers and the lord of the land.  Here is a link to the Gamespot summary.  Check out the demo if you haven't seen it before.

First Post here!

Hi, this is my OFFICAIL first blog post.  I have been a member before this.  I think i got up to level 10 or more.  Anyway i will try to keep this blog updated with cool stuff i find, or maybe even do......
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