hongkingkong Blog
Sheep are character obsessed!
by hongkingkong on Comments
Sheep are obsessed with their characters!!! They develop an attachment to them as a child and ninty play to this buy releasing remake upon remake of games based on the same characters over and over. The only change is when they collaberate the characters to "zany-ize" another respectable sport of activity e.g. smash bros, mario tennis etc.
Sheep are very annoyed if you insult their characters, and fair enough, for what they lack in any sort of narrative/plot/character development they make up for in their cult status and zany looks. But the defense of their characters extends beyond the games to the people who make the games! Miyamoto is like the Dali Lama to Sheep, for example..... in this thread someone disses Miyamoto and the Sheep go ape ****.
Its another case with Cows and Lemmings. I haven't seen a Cow or Lemming defend Phil Harisson or Bill Gates. Maybe because there is hardly any history behing the companies, or maybe because they couldn't care less as long as the games are good.
I don't have a problem with the "zany-ness" of nintendo characters but to be honest there is nothing new. After the Wii I don't think Ninty could get anymore innovative unless they make some new iconic characters (that still keep that specail Nintendo style :D).
PS: watch thesehttp://uk.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=24719788&page=0
w00t back from ban!!!!!
by hongkingkong on Comments
Back from ban!!! I called somebody a "NAZI" so i definately deserved it :D.
I hope the person that I called a "NAZI" gets some moderation too because what the guy said was extremely ignorant and prejudice. But meh.....
So I'm getting a 360 in 10 days......help with teh profile name!!!1!!111
by hongkingkong on Comments
And I'm wondering what I should choose for my XBL profile name, you know what I mean.....
I fear hongkingkong may be taken (although I doubt anyone besides me is that obscure), if this is the case what cool usernames could i use? Any suggestions will be taken into account, or atleast thrown into the bin caringly :)
Can't we just put this all behind us?
by hongkingkong on Comments
This is regarding the Wii60 vs PS3 price issue. I'd like to get one thing straight, I hate fanboys of any kind so I have got the 'right' to say this .
If you want console with wireless contorllers, BR (or equivilent) movies, wifi it is best to get a t PS3 for the money. To get an Xbox 360 anywhere near this standard with add-ons such as HDTV it would equate to more than a PS3.
I believe the maths has been done many a time (most of the time wrong) and most people know what the real situation is. But i think if you need to see it again unbiasly i will show you. This is what a core 360 add a Wii could equal (if Wii does equal $250 which it possibly could), matched up against a core PS3.
Wii60:$250 + $399 = $649 PS3: $499
Of course, if you buy two consoles you are most likely buying it for the games. The premium PS3 pack is not just for games it is for BR movies too, so why compare the Wii60 to a PS3 when they are not intended for all the same purposes.
Moving on from Wii60 (by the way i'm not argueing as a bad choice i'm only saying it is more expensive if you just want to play games), the issue of the 360 vs PS3 value. It is fair to say, that a PS3 even with excedingly good graphics would not be worth a further $150-£200 more than an Xbox 360 (as you can only need a certain level of realism). If you just wanted a next gen console with good graphics then you should consider a PS3 core and an Xbox 360 core.
360: $299 PS3: $499
It is quite clear that the PS3 costs more. But this option really depends on what you value more. You can stretch to £299 for a very reasonable console or go the extra mile ($200) for a console with better specs. In terms of value though they are at a tie.
What if you wanted more than just a console? What if you wanted to play online games, store things on your console, play with wireless controllers, or watch movies in HD. Both 360 and PS3 have an almost even spec when it comes to this. But which one has the best value? Well the PS3 Premium package comes with Wifi, Wireless controller, 60Gb HD, Blu Ray and free online play. And it costs $599. The 360 is a bit more flexible in the sense that it doesn't have these things as standard but you can buy them seperately. The premium 360 is $399. Here are the defining factors matched up side-by-side for each premium console.
PS3 360
HD 60Gb free with premium 20Gb free with premium
Online Free (new, might be good/bad) $50 per anum (4 year life exp. = $200)
HD Movies Built in BR (lots of support) $100-£200 extra (not much support)
Wifi Free built in $60
Wirless controllers Free with both Free with premium, play and charge $15
Total price $599 $674 (no xbox live) $874 (xbox live for 4 years)
There are other issues like the current bugs in 360s and the inter-cooler add-on, but we don't know if PS3 will have this yet so its unfair to count that in the table.
In conclusion, if you want a gaming machine as a gaming machine and nothing more and you aren't too bothered at having just very good graphics then a core 360 may just be for you. However, if you want more than a gaming machine and want BR, wifi, online, and a big HD then the premium PS3 is the best value by a long way.
The coolest car ever!!!!!
by hongkingkong on Comments
This car is just amazing!!!!! Its out of this world!!!!!! Ans its a real working car!!!! Link here for full sized version.
gotm May
by hongkingkong on Comments
Drumroll please, and the winner is..........
The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion
To say this is the best RPG of the century so far would be an understatement simply because it is so immersive and accessable.
There are many predjudices surrounding Role Playing Games and the people that play them. I for one was thoroughly convinced all people who played RPGs were permenantly segregated from the outside world. Of course for some it is true but any misconceptions about the gameplay of this genre being "boring" are merely stopping you from enjoying a fantastic game.
As soon as you enter the game you are able to fully customise your character's race, face and any other place. This takes a long time if you want it to. Then you enter the actual game.
You start off in a prison cell in the imperial dungeon just outside the imperial city. You aren't given much background but you soon get whisked off into a plot when the Emperor of the land enters your cell. His bodygaurds don't know why you are in the cell, it was meant to be off limits to anyone as it is an important secret passage. The gaurds open the passage in your cell and they and the Emperor go through it. You are told to keep back, but being in a cell all day isn't an exhiting concept for a game, so you follow them. The opening scene is a tutorial aswel as plot setter. You get to chose your character's star sign and specail abilities that you would like them to be best at. You also learn some of the cool features like stealing, killing and spell casting.
When you leave the Tutorial you are given a quest (I won't spoil the plot for you but it is very good), you can move between quests that you discover for yourself with ease. But the good thing is you don't have to do the quests. Theres miles and miles of travelling to be done, places to go, people to see/kill/steal from/help.
Thats one very appealing part about The Elder Scrolls IV. But if you don't want to travel you can just select the quick travel icon and get there instantly (but it is more rewarding when you discover new places by travelling the normal way). One other great thing that attracts people to this games is the astonnishing detail. Not just in the scenery character models but the story lines, the player customisation and the dialogue that are so vast you can spend hundreds of hours just completing side missions, let alone the main story or building your character's level up.
The gameplay is very simple. The fighting system works by blocking attacks with the right button on your mouse, and performing attacks with the left button. If you hold the left mouse button you peform a more powerful attack. These are basic controls but are very effective and fun.
I bought this game to see why Gamespot awarded it a 9.3 and on the basis I liked the look of the gameplay. My PC is a low end Radeon 9550 (ATI) with a 512 RAM but a rather decent processor. But the graphics were still relatively fine when i adjusted the resolution. One technical problem is the dreaded LAG you get with a 512 RAM. Of course it is compatible but it seriously affects gameplay. But i won't judge this game on the involidity of my computer. I trust if you get or have this game that you would have or plan on investing in a 1 Gb RAM so the gameplay is tolerable.
In Conclusion, this is a great immersive and vast game with a brilliant storyline and is worth every penny and more. "All its cracked up to be" couldn't have been more appropriate way of putting it. Just some advice. Purchase this game if you don't care about your socail life because this game will own it for a long time :D Also, upgrade your pc for this one because it definately helps.
How I think the System War will turn out
by hongkingkong on Comments
These predictions aren't based on real statistics but they are a probable guesstimate.
There are 3 main gaming markets on our planet. North America, Europe and the Far East.
In Europe the most likely console to win is the PlayStation 3. This is merely because its a trusted brand amongst the casuals there and they aren't too bothered about spending a hundred more for a console with more power.
In the Far East the Xbox 360 hasn't got off to a good start. Wii and PS3 are still in the running though. PS3 offering RPG-ertunities which they love so much over there. Wii offering a new style of gameplay which will definately attract people who are tired of the status quo of gaming ridgedly fixed between the physical barrier of a d pad and an analogue stick. I think that the Wii will just clench it on the sales front.
In North America the consumers aren't product loyal so its a fresh start for next gen. Xbox 360 is very popular already there. 360 is a good leeway between Wii and PS3. The Wii will have a large following here, as will the 360. And with the prospect of a Wii and a 360 possibly costing the same as a PS3, Wii360 might be the deformed mutant of North American living rooms.
All of these consoles depend on other factors though. For example: if people don't take well to the Wii it'll be laughed off the shelves. Or if HD-DVD flops, fuel to Sony's fire of superiority with Blue Ray. Or if consumers stand up to Sony and say "£300/$499!!!! What you talkin' boout Willis?".
My thoughts on E3
by hongkingkong on Comments
Overall I thought E3 was a good show still leaving a lot to look forward to. Dissapointments and elation on all sides, seeting the scene for a gruesome console battle in the near future.
Nintendo Wii : Although this console is set to revolutionise gaming, I can't see much of console coming out of one gimick of a remote conrol joystick. There are many gaming possibilities for this but i believe the novelty will wear off as you realise that the conventional design was designed like that for a reason. One good thing about the Wii is the games. Fans of nintendo may or may not be disappointed depending really on that controller and if it suits the player. The conference was well presented and played along to the fan's conseptions of what the Wii will be.
Playstation 3 : Sony's conference was a massive bore. It was a very mundane sales pitch. Although the news that over-shadowed this was the officail price confirmation. $499 for a console with 20Gb HD and $599 for a 60Gb HD if I remember correctly. Not bad if you want to invest in a slice of the future cake. The gameplay demos were all-that-and-a-bag-of-chips territory. The games (although some announced as non-exclusive) looked promising. Not full of ports or just sequels but promising new titles. As for the online i'm still not sure. Sony have not forgotten their wide ps2 and psp user market, hundreds of games announced for each system by the end of the year. So theres something to look forward to with Sony, even if it may be costly.
Xbox 360 : Exiting news for loyal Xbox fans. Main competetor Sony having 2 high profile games that were thought to be exclusive making an appearance in the 360 camp. End of the month 5 million consoles sold, in a faster time than PS2 and the ipod! Sony can no longer say "Graphics" and instantly own any more. This is definately a real competitor for the world's number one ps2.
PC : New info on Spore released along with screens and videos. This game will revolutionise gaming and thats not even hyping (although I'm hyping it :D ). Just check AdrianWerner's blog for the reasons to be a PC gamer in 2006 and 2007 (link in my blog to this) and be amazed at the games the PC will offer.
gotm April
by hongkingkong on Comments
This time its a game from one of the best genres of all time. A well known FPS called Call Of Duty 2. Although I haven't had the privilage to experience the full game (I tried the demo, I base my reviews on gameplay mostly anyway) I can certainly tell you I want to get it after playing one level.
If you don't trust my judgement click the link for a more comprehensive review. Or at least download the demo that got me hooked.
It is rather odd to recommend a game you haven't played fully but based on the 8.8 from the harsh raters at GS and the fact Call Of Duty 1 got game of the year it is atleast worth the 655 Mb on your Hard Drive to check it out.
As always the gameplay is brilliant. There are some slight tweaks that make the game more realistic and more fun. For example a side effect to FPSs is constantly back-tracking to look for medical kits when health is low, this is quite aggravating. In COD2 there is a simple system of when you are badly hurt you need to take cover to heal. Not realistic but it makes the game run at a faster pace. A few cool new features like the ability to lean round corners, automatic guns that still have effect at middle distance and tactical gas grenades that actually blind your enemy's view of you and your comrades.
In most WW2 FPSs you are meant to feel like part of a team. Few grasp this concept for long into the level. In COD2 you don't feel like part of a small squad or like a gun-ho maniac. You feel like part of a large army fighting for a single cause. But you do get up and personal with the Germans too. In MOH for example, the combat tends to be from afar even in tight spaces. This enclosed fighting style is more exhilerating as you battle for meer feet of space and time your assaults and cover fire to let rip on those Nazis.
Although you are practically equally matched (or even out-gunned) with the enemy in COD2 you don't feel completely helpless even on the harder modes. The enemy's aiming gets better and the AI smarter, but you still have the same clear objective. The only thing I think lets it down is a lack of tactical gameplay. Your character has no control over your team. Although they are quiet proffessional they tends to wander easily into the open and get shot a lot.
Not to mention the great graphics, stunning sound and fantastic level design, Call Of Duty 2 is one of (if not) the best WW2 FPSs on the market now that would satisfy any FPS fan, WW2 buff or Casual Gamer's thirst for a thrilling action game.
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