@samusbeliskner: lol and you remind of dumbasses that come up with silly names for everything.
You were lying dude, call it fuzzy math if you want but that is what everything points to, even the FBI stats that you say you are quoting. Murder rate is 15 per 100,000. Its Not fuzzy math, you just seem to lack the ability to do your own math, or more likely just trying to dismiss it because you know you are wrong.
FBI crime data doesn't show that Chicago is less dangerous. first, because you lied about the actual murder rate per capita
Now for reason 2 and if you were as smart as you'd like to pretend, you would also dig in to these stats deeper.
Chicago had 400+ murders last year. Detroit who has the higher murder rate had 300+. Around a 100 difference. So already We can see Chicago is more dangerous than Detroit, which sits at 35 per 100k, the nations leading murder rate city. However Detroit only has 600,000 residents which inflates that murder rate to look worse than it is. Chicago has 2.7 million and sits at 15 per 100k.
So please send more weak links about how awesome gun control is working in low crime areas.
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