Oh man... I remember playing it on the 360. When you get into the forest, it will lag real bad and keep saying loading every minute, very annoying! On pc however, much much better! Pc for sure:)
I never use anti aliasing in any of my games. It just lowers the performance and I don't see much difference when turning it on. Alot of people swear by it which I just don't understand... Am I missing something here?
I have windows 7 32bit right now but I think maybe I should have bought the 64bit version. Reason being that I have a 64bit processor (Amd 9850 phenom quad core). What advantages would I get if using 64bit? Oh, I also have 4gb ram my comp currently uses only 3gb which is because I'm running 32bit I think...
I'll finish the original first before going on to the expansion. Wow! 70 hours lol... I am 25 hours in at the moment so I should have alot of play left which is good!
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