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horgen Blog

So.. I can make my character huge in Skyrim

I play it with a lot of mods installed. What I didn't know was that one of them allows me to change the height of my character.

So the first two images I've set my characters height to 1.25... Last one is either 1.75 or 2.00 (which is maximum). The animations become a bit off. Sure everyone looks up at you and you have to look down at everyone if you are first person mode... But you no longer sit on benches, instead you're hovering slightly above them :P

Now I just have to adjust running speed accordingly. And see if I can match the Giants in size.

This is perhaps not a smart move

I decided to play Skyrim again... With some mods of course. I've yet to install many. Only got 10 running atm. Will install more. I've learned some about installing mods now. Thanks to some useful guides out there. There is always the Skyrim Beautification project, which I'm borrowing quite a lot from.

Any mods you recommend?

The journey in Drangleic continues

I have now defeated The Lost Sinner, one of the four old ones. Play time now is about 12 hours.

The game feels a lot like a new game. I know the areas, but that's where it stops. New enemies, different placement for the enemies. Some areas have almost twice as many enemies as compared to before. New moveset for some of them as well I think. I still enjoy playing the game. Oh and I think it is harder than before. Or perhaps that's because I play with dual caestus, not sword and shield.

Scholar of the First Sin

So... I am not done with the Dark Souls 2 universe yet. Got the upgrade pack for the Scholar of the First with the fancy new graphics and few changes to online play. To make things more fun, I've decided to run around with power-stancing caestus... And for armor I got Old Knights Leggings. They are temporary as I don't know what I want to use.

Anyone else got the new version?

Ornstein & Smough

First visit to those kind fellas and I taught them how to properly wield a butcher's knife. They are quite stubborn, but with repeated demonstrations, they had no option but to agree that a butcher's knife is indeed a deadly weapon.

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He just realized what... Ehrm who was in the next room :P

A return to Dark Souls

After I have spent some 320 hours ++ on Dark Souls 2 I decided to return to Dark Souls 1 again.. Now on computer. I have finished it before on PS3, probably spent 70 hours on it or so.

2 hours into the game and I must say I have forgotten how much Dark Souls 2 is improved purely gameplay wise compared to the first one. And graphically too. Took out the first boss as well. I mean he committed suicide. Saved me a lot of work! Chose deprived as class. Perhaps being Hollow and running around in prisoners waistcloth, club and a wooden shield scared him. :P

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Isn't he dead sexy? Standing next to his new best buddy Solaire. Solaire is just relaxing, while I am obviously tanning. Gotta look good even if the world has gone to hell right?

If someone could help me with DSfix patch thingy I would appreciate it a lot. 30FPS lock with internal rendering at 1024*768, blown up to 2560*1440 which is stretched to fit a 3440*1440 monitor makes this game look awful.

I could be a trillionaire!!!

Got an excellent offer today. For just 100NOK Kr, I could buy 100 000 000 000 000 dollars. That's a great offer if you ask me... Isn't this what republicans say.; Just get more money?

Sure it is Zimbabwe dollars, but that is besides the point, right?

Made it through

If you read my last blog you will know I was close to get both of the Illusory rings in DS2. Well now I got them both. :D Had a close call on the Throne Watcher & Defender, but made it. :D :D :D

Now back to play online and try to rank up in the Blue Sentinels covenant... 500 kills will take a long time when I have no luck invading others or find sparring partners. Only been summoned a few times to Apostle of the Blue in distress as the so nicely put it.

Continuing the Dark Souls 2 adventure.

I have played it a fair amount now. Mostly just New Game round. However after reaching soul level 250 and deciding that grinding for 50 Loyce Souls wasn't worth the time, I decided to jump into NG+. This means tougher enemies, as in more health, dealing more damage, some new enemies and new move set from older enemies. In return I get twice the amount of souls from each enemy. Although that doesn't help much as I need just over 300 000 souls to level up now. I've gone through most of the game, as in bosses you have to defeat in order to defeat the last boss. And I have only leveled up 4 times. I am trying to do a combined no death and no bonfire run. Has gone well so far. Only got The Giant Lord, Throne Defender & Throne Watcher, and Nashandra (the queen B herself) left to beat. And this with a melee character that I haven't bothered to level up Vigor so much :P