@RSM-HQ: Um, what? That's not a thing. There were delays with the physical rewards and who knows when the DLC ends up coming out, but the backers all got their copies of the game.
@captainwonton: I'm guessing you've never played the game. It has some of the most infuriating and gigantic difficulty spikes in the history of gaming. Some of the mine cart levels are diabolical and you have to beat them to progress.
Also, can we stop pretending Souls games are hard? They're only hard if you're following self-imposed rules to make it hard. Elden Ring was one of the most chill, relaxing games I've ever played.
@rjrobinson44: There's no context for who the tier list is for. For the majority of players playing Rivals right now, Iron Fist is a strong option. The vast majority of people playing rivals are playing casually with their friends or are below gold.
If it was a tier list for plat and diamond players, then yeah, he's too high.
@rjrobinson44: Iron Fist is great at platinum and below and does have a lot of potential even in the upper ranks. He has the second highest win rate in the GM and above bracket. You could become a one trick Iron Fist and have a lot of success.
Also who cares if it's misleading to players above silver? If you're above silver, you don't need a tier list to tell you who's good or not. It's not like there are a bunch of diamond players out there trying to make Iron Fist work because a Gamespot tier list said he was good.
Magneto at 8 and Peni at 1? What's the context for the list, my guy? Is this quick play only against new players who don't know what the other characters do? Peni was strong for like two days and is almost unusable past the first few ranks. Peni is probably the worst and Magneto is one of the best.
I had similar thoughts until the end of Infinite Wealth where they dropped the bag hard and kind of soured me on Ichiban.
The stuff with Saeko at the end just cements him as an idiot instead of a loveable buffoon with a heart of gold.
And then when he's walking the dude at the end and getting the shit beat out of him, why? I get friendship is important to him and he bonds for life, but why was he alone. Shouldn't all of his pals be there with him for that? And what exactly is he proving by not fighting back?
@pheloniousmonk: Bud, try reading what I wrote. It's right there in the comment. It's the whole point. Is it not mentioned because it wasn't good enough or because they didn't feel it was better on PC.
Make your list PC exclusives or don't. Don't muddle things. Since my previous comment I played through all of 1000xResist on Switch and didn't once thing I was playing a compromised version. What makes that game a PC exclusive?
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