@cj_topspin: Riiiiight. And every F1 game before 2020 was a flawless masterpiece with amazing AI drivers. There's been no noticable difference since EA acquired Codemasters.
@davidb50100: Not sure if you're just being an asshat, but the game does do a pretty good job making a sim racer that's accessible. It's definitely not iRacing. If you wanted to call iRacing 100% sim, the F1 games are more like 70% sim 30% arcade and it's getting closer to sim every year.
@cj_topspin: Um, what? The series is still solid. They've been releasing fantastic games every year. If you're really into the F1 games, this year has a lot of solid improvements and addressed a lot of the problems people have had with the last couple of games.
If you're just a casual fan, there's probably not a whole lot for you this year since all the drivers and tracks are the same, but then you probably weren't interested in buying the game right away anyway.
Do they make massive changes to the rules of quidditch to make the game enjoyable? The version of quidditch in the book is nonsensical and I can't see how it would be fun to play at all.
Maybe a turn based more tactical approach like blitzball could be enjoyable, but I highly doubt that's what they did.
@Slannmage: This is such a bizarre take. There has only been one movie about Max. All the other movies have been taking Max and inserting him into other people's stories. Max wasn't really a character in Fury Road and the movie wasn't about him. It was about Furiosa. The good news for you is that the trend continues and the Furiosa movie is more about Dr. Dementus and he does indeed have a penis.
@shamatuu257: I'm going to assume you're 12 and don't understand how the world works. Circumstances change. That doesn't mean he doesn't have a moral code. He said they were going to support it because they intended to support it, and they have been supporting it. They tried to make the game better, and it wasn't working. They probably threw more money at it than any other publisher would be willing to.
Phil's one of the better CEOs because he's willing to talk to people and be forthcoming in interviews. What's replacing him going to do? The goal of every CEO is to make the shares go up.
@vgmkyle: They've never done that. It's not about being lazy. Games have been more or less identical across different platforms for 30 years, and in the rare cases where there are meaningful differences, they point it out.
@gaeandilth: Again, read the article. The questions he had weren't addressed in the show. You're just restating what he already wrote in the article. There are a ton of unanswered questions about what the deal with 32 was.
Mass violent suicide and cryptic blood messages don't really track with what we've seen in 33 if the only thing that happened was they figured out all their overseers were Bud's Buds.
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