householdman's forum posts
Pardon my naivety, but did a GS representative actually outline a rule that states scores form GS and GS only should be taken into account when determining whether a game is a 'flop' or not?
If I'm not mistaken, GR is part of the cnet network, since it belongs to the same parent company, shouldn't they be taken into account as well?
In any-case, I see the hypocritical nature in the sudden transition from 'GS only' to 'GR ftw' on the cows part, though from what I gather, the same thing happened when GS came down hard on TP and MP3.
Contrary to the popular opinion around SW. This is not war, it is, or what used to be, various groups of gamers arguing in favor of their favourite consoles, though from what I can see, it has degraded into something much more diabolical.
As far as I'm concerned, while the GS score should be final word in determining whether a game is a SW flop in terms of bets and AAA scores etc, it should hold no greater weight in regular threads discussing games and consoles.
Casey, according to a majority of users in bed with the ps3, the GS score determines whether a game is a flop. If R&C wasn't a flop because it scored high everywhere else, then neither is TP (96% on game rankings) or MP3 (91% on game rankings).
On to the topic at hand. Mass Effect will destory Drakes Fortune. Putting them out the same day is a really bad move by someone somewhere. The fact of the matter is, Mass Effect is the flagship next-gen RP game. It's introducing a much more indepth and developed story, and the mechanics to match. Drakes Fortune looks really good, I'd even hazard a guess that it's going to be the most fun game for the ps3 thus far, but Mass Effect is in a different league.
It's like comparing Tolkien to Eddings, both exeptional Authors, but Tolkien is the greatest word builder to ever touch quill to parchment so to speak.
"The Wii has no games that are like" Waaa Waaa
Listen to you people. You blather on about your MGS4s and your Halo 3s and your Killzone2s. You go on and on about the graphical ability of these up and comers whilst systematically dogging any and all attempt at innovation and or change to the gaming "Status Quo" like some-sort of pro-repetitive game sect of the Catholic Church. On top of which, we see the PC crowd, who are arguably the most h-core of the hard core gamers, sitting tight, so comfortable in the fact that no console will ever match the gaming powerhouse that is the PC, that they see no need to deride other systems further than the odd snide remark or snort as yet another 360 flat lines due not to consumer error, or age, but to shoddy engineering. The PS3 fanbase, still hyped up by the drug of success from the last Gen, struggling to keep hold of their loyalty to the system, despite the dodgy six axis controls, the outrageous price tag, the promise of problems to come (Once a majority of the early purchase warranties have run out, no doubt), and the fact that despite the all powerful cell processor (The inclusion of which is part of the reason for the unrealistic price tag, no doubt), it's not actually noticably more powerful than the 360.
Mix all this in with the fact that online play on either of the Next Gen powerhouses is still lagging far behind that of their PC big brother (Halo 3 my ass, Renegade still has better online play, and that's not even a good game), you get a boiling cauldron of fanboy disillusion which makes them think that for some reason, their console of choice is worth more than Nintendos latest jump in gaming technology and philosophy, the Nintendo Wii. Besides the fact that it's graphics are sub par and the Online needs work. It has still provided hours of fun and opened up whole new avenues for developers to stride down in the hope that perhaps we can push the medium of games from out of the dark forests of shoot-kill-drive into lighter pastures, where they may prosper and grow, whilst still retaining all the qualities of the games we know and love.
The Wii controller is heaps of fun, for both H-C gamers who like the added immersion and control, to the drunk teenager, hitting the piss whilst playing the rhythm game on Rayman Raving Rabbids, spilling Tui on the couch.
The fact of the matter is, Nintendo is the only company smart enough to ensure it can grow and expand for generations to come. The other groups must be nervous because they seem to be pretty insistent of the fact that nobody likes the Wii, regardless of what the charts tell us.
Personally I have nothing against the 360 (The PS3 seems like a bit of a waste to me) it's a solid system with an impressive lineup of games, but the Wii is the one all the developers are excited about. I'm inclined to follow their lead, they obviously know what they are talking about.
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