Just pick up a cheap, used ps2 or borrow one of your friends. I'm sure you can find some one who has a ps2 who won't mind parting with it for a few months while you play the game(s).
The quality of the graphics is an art issue. Artists make the textures, shadow maps, etc and the engine renders them. No engine can make bad textures look good. It's a concept of crap in, crap out. Your anger is just, but miss placed.
Consumed the single player experience within 6 hours. I didn't think games got any shorter then Heavenly Sword. Yeah I know, there's plenty to do in multi-player. Was also hoping to play as the "Arbiter", but no.
I'm feeling a little hosed on the single player experience. *sigh*
Think I'll pop in Bioshock again, but this time, I'll kill all the little twerps.
These are PS2 games so why am I writing about them in the PS3 forum?
These game are so graphically amazing, you forget they are PS2 games. I'm playing them in my PS3. You can turn on the progressive scan which automatically puts it in wide screen format. God of War 2 looks even better then God of War 1. These games look as good as some of the first rounds games on the PS3 or 360.
So if your looking for something to play on your shiny, slick PS3, give these games a try.
I picked up a copy of it yesterday at GameStop for $10.00. I'm not sure what to think of it yet because I'm new to the series. I played the first mission. Being broken up into missions is a little wierd to me. Thought I'd try the game because Devil May Cry 4 is coming out.
As someone who owns all three systems, I enjoy each of them. Just finished Boishock and now I'm playing Heavenly Sword.
Competition is a good thing which is why having more then one system to choose from is a good thing. We as consumers are the winners when there is choice.
It may only be 8 hours of game play but I assume that would be the case if your goal was to finish the game. I tend to take a lot longer to play a game because I like to check it out and explore. I probably couldn't finish the game in 8 hours if I tried.
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