Uncharted 4 will be the LAST Uncharted from Naughty Dog. After this, they will probably work on TLOU sequel and a new IP.
That list isn't "desperate", but it sure as hell is making you butthurt with envy.
Persona 5 is a Playstation exclusive. It's not coming to PC or Xbox.
It's amazing how one company can have so much love for gamers. Every other gaming company has screwed over gamers some way or another, but SONY gives gamers hope of a better future without MS and Nintendo.
Thank you, SONY and Cerny.
Is that why they got in trouble with the FTC for false advertising?
That was an *honest* mistake from SONY.
SONY was advertising cross-save and remote-play in the Vita. FTC ruled that SONY should have said it only worked with some titles and not all.
There's a difference in advertising by not saying anything and advertising by blatantly lying. SONY never lied about anything.
Again, SONY is a pro-gamer corporation. They would never willingly do anything to hurt gamers.
Yes, i'm sure that the company that installed rootkits on consumers' computers would never intentionally hurt their customers...
The rootkit was meant to stop piracy because PC users are thieves and can't be trusted.
The side-effects were unintentional. Again, SONY would never willingly harm their customers.
Man there's a lot of thieves in this world
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