So is it true that this game simply has no multi-GPU support? Pretty sad
Don't most games these days not have multi-GPU support or don't work correctly with multi-GPU?
Think most of them do? Just needs an sli driver from nvidia/amd. DX12 needs developers to implement support and seeing as QB was most likely quite rushed PC port it's not surprising they havent gotten the multigpu support in
1440p 60fps and haven't noticed drops so far tho I havent had fps shown since the early stages of the game so there could be minor drops I havent been able to notice, haven't tried 4k DSR yet. Had no issues with the game performance so far and didn't run in to that crashing bug with lighting with non knight classes as I started with knight.
I have seen people with 970 saying they have decent framerates even on 1440p(should at least get lock 60 on 1080p), that's something your 380x should almost match, could it be your cpu falling short? Durante said the game is rather heavy on cpu and above 4 cores don't get utilized so it comes down to core performance.
Check the gaf ds3 performance topic and see what other people are getting with amd cpu's?
That is with all settings maxed and that cpu is quite a lot stronger than yours. Have you tried lowering depth of field/motion blur/shadows? those 3 should have the biggest impact on performance
@princeofshapeir: Black knight greatsword! Farmed that badboy and I shall finish the game with it! But ye the crafting system is best it has been so far
Damn @indzman isn't using a tower shield enough cheating already? But seriously the life bars even w/o any edits are ridiculously long, then again I randomly got dropped by black knight with halberd as he was on on literally 5% hp, my hp full and went for greedy swing, then he hit me with that crap attack that sends you flying and hit me me in the ground when I landed, dead from full hp and I believe I had ember on and at least 20 points in vigor
@jg4xchamp: Isn't the runback faster through the sewers? Not fast but think it's still faster, thank god that only took me few tries as I cheesed it with bow
Huh? is it? I went downstairs and saw some big thing in the shadows and said "nope" I'll deal with the boss first, he had a lot of my souls.
Dont think its much faster also the big thing likes to take plunges
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