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#1 Howmakewood
Member since 2015 • 7840 Posts

@Pray_to_me said:

PS4 wins either way because we get both.

with ps4k you might even get the full version of ds3 too

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#2 Howmakewood
Member since 2015 • 7840 Posts

@LegatoSkyheart said:

Just wait guys.

There's probably gonna be a PC port, but you're gonna have to wait like 6 - 20 years for it.

Hell Final Fantasy IX is coming to PC. FINAL FANTASY IX

Obviously the same amount of resources needed to get the ffxv pc dev version to pc release version as porting old ps2/3 games to PC

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#3 Howmakewood
Member since 2015 • 7840 Posts

@Zassimick said:

Someone lost a sig wager on this game... shame it flopped, right @R4gn4r0k?

haha that's brilliant

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#4 Howmakewood
Member since 2015 • 7840 Posts

@davillain- said:

Judging by the amount of people in this thread [besides dynamitecop whoever he is] I say this game has gotten everyone interested then I thought.

Ye even Finalstar now knows about the game!

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#5  Edited By Howmakewood
Member since 2015 • 7840 Posts

@adamosmaki: mkay from the few benchmarks I quickly looked at they were practically even and in PC world especially with 750ti having more OC headroom, but yes it's obvious the cpu on ps4 is holding the whole system back, which again kind of goes against the claim of i5+7850 combo not being better...

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#6  Edited By Howmakewood
Member since 2015 • 7840 Posts

@AM-Gamer said:

@wizard: Except a 7850/I5 combo isn't better, as the PS4 actually has a better GPU. A gpu designed for GPU compute and more raw Power.

Second you never proved TR looked better then UC4 and the vast majority of this thread disagrees with you. You showed foliage that looks worse which is sad considering it has about 80% less foliage to begin with. Lower poly trees are better because it has better AA? Really? Your a pixelated mess combo is pure hyperbole.

In the case of TR and TW3 80 to 90% is accurate. Crysis 3 was a larger gap due to aging hardware.

This certainly doesn't show too well as 7850 is quite tied to 750ti in performance which has been proven to at least stand equal in multiplats vs ps4, again these games would most likely run better on ps4 if they were build from the ground just for ps4 using the lower level API on ps4

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#7 Howmakewood
Member since 2015 • 7840 Posts

@lamprey263 said:

So, he's saying he'd rather have it be upgradeable? versus releasing a whole new system?

Way I see it, they could just provide supplemental processing power through a USB 3.0 connected device. Beats needing to buy a whole entire system.

Frankly, I think MS is holding off on details and I think Sony just the same has held off on details. I think what this boils down to are each of them are waiting to see what Nintendo pulls out of their hat at the NX reveal later this month. If Nintendo goes the beefcake console route, Sony and MS are upgrading. If Nintendo goes the modest console with their signature first party content, then this just helps the system play 4K Blu-rays and upscale 1080p to 4K or maybe even handle games at a higher native resolution for higher output settings but nothing revolutionary as to make the games scale similarly.

Still, me personally, I'd rather Sony/Microsoft stick with 1080p/60fps standard and use that extra power to get better performance at that output standard, versus wasting that potential on 4K.

Not sure if usb3 would have enough bandwidth for that either. Consoles being able to upscale to 4K seems quite moot as all 4K tv's do that already(some not very well tho)

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#8 Howmakewood
Member since 2015 • 7840 Posts

@mr_huggles_dog said:

Thread delivery: 10/10

Would be fair to say this would have been 6/10 thread w/o NyaDC

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#9 Howmakewood
Member since 2015 • 7840 Posts

@ConanTheStoner said:
@MirkoS77 said:

Nice. Going to upgrade my rig before picking this one up. Need SQ. 42 in all its glory, Pascal.

I've decided that I won't even touch this game until I can max it out with a VR set up.

Though I'm looking to spend about 5k on my next build, so it shouldn't be an issue lol. Just had to let go of 8k the other day though, so it's going to be a while.

What the hell are you going to tuck in that thing? DId you read the news about the new broadwell 22core Xeon?

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#10  Edited By Howmakewood
Member since 2015 • 7840 Posts

@ConanTheStoner said:
@princeofshapeir said:

Bethesda games and the piece of crap that stole GOTY last year

Man, for some reason I thought you liked TW3.

But yeah, I'll never understand why so many action rpgs get a free pass on the action part. You know, the part that makes up the majority of the gameplay.

Depends f.e I dont think the Witcher 3 combat is so bad that it would ruin the whole experience like it did in Mordor for me. I dont think the shooting and overall combat in Uncharted is anything special either but that doesn't stop them from being great games.If souls games had bad combat it would be a whole different thing as that is their driving part.