I feel Uncharted 4 is gonna flop.. but just a bit. It's gona have a generic everything and the reviewer is gonna call it out on its bullshit.
The other big flop of the year is the NX. The latest rumors placing it at level with the PS4.5 seem convenient to say the least, given how we had been hearing "between PS4 and XB1" previously. I just feel like nobody is going to give a flying **** about Nintendo's new console, with or without computing power and a neat OS and no gimmicks.
It might score some 8's and that's about as low as I can see it going(then again getting 8 on GS would mean it's as good as Halo5..), it's not going to be something new and revolutionary, just the same old with some new elements and even better visuals, NX really can be a big success or even a bigger flop than Wii U.
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