Saw 30fps and first person shooter, never bought it, dont regret it either lol
Howmakewood's forum posts
@howmakewood: You thought Shadow of Mordor had bad combat? Most people thought it was extremely satisfying.
Yes I really didn't like the combat in the end, it started ok but then I got the same button smash feel with HIT X TO WIN
lmao mathematics !
This thread still delivers :v
Yes it is quite amusing, the numbers game turned a whole new chapter
This thread is fantastic, probably more entertaining than QB, better platforming too. 6/10
Have you seen gaf Uncharted 3 thread? It has better entertainment than the game itself(and the game is still quite good) + there's more of it
Those saying Witcher 3, what do you think about Assassin's Creed, Shadow of Mordor? I find both of those inferior and honestly only a few times have I thought to my self "combat, not again" while playing TW3, sadly that cannot be said for Ass greed or Mordor where I deliberately avoided combat towards the end because it's such a chore
They need every ff fan to buy multiple copies to reach that, 10+ million on xbox+ps4 and very late PC port? On a series that has been on decline since VII? Yeah no
I didn't personally like Neverwinter Nights too much, being tied to controlling just one character + the story/world was quite meh(hordes of underdark was better tho)
nwn 2 was a lot better(tho it was a technical mess) and the expansion Mask of the Betrayer(made by Obsidian) is up there with the very best
DOOM Beta on PC is terrible. It is pretty much unplayable, at least for me.
> The game is capped at 60 fps, which sucks since many of us use 100/120/144 fps monitors. We can't take advantage of the higher frame rate. Don't expect higher refresh rates to be supported in the full release either. IDTech 6 engine and all, they probably have tons of variables dependent on a 60hz refresh rate.
> The Beta's Field of View is stuck at the same setting as the consoles. 65 degrees? *throws up* This should be a priority. Tunnel vision makes me sick.
> No Ultra Wide Resolution Support. 16:9 or 16:10 Only.
> Mouse Acceleration is Present. Feels like your attempting to emulate a joystick with a mouse.
> Video Options is barebones, which I understand since its a Beta but still, other developers usually have the full set of settings in their Betas.
> Console commands don't work either because the command prompt doesn't show up. Can't tell the engine to modify things.
You are pretty much playing the console version on your PC. Kind of expected better since DOOM was born on PC and its pretty much a PC series. They better not f*ck this shit up.
Just hop onto Unreal Tournament and enjoy a proper shooter.
If that's true for release version, then the game is as DOA on PC for "competitive" multiplayer
But about mouse accel, there are actually some of the very best QL players who play with it, but obviously it should be an option
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