"I had every appendage crossed for news of a Final Fantasy 15 PC port at Square Enix's Uncovered event on March 30. It was not to be, but don't despair—director Hajime Tabata made encouraging noises in a follow-up interview with Engadget.
"Unfortunately we weren't able to do simultaneous development on a PC and console version for 15," Tabata said. "We had to focus on the console version and our goal was to maximise, optimise everything for the HD consoles. Once that's done, then we will definitely take a good, hard look at PC and what we need to do, and consider all our options. But right now we aren't decided, we're still considering a lot of things."
More and more Japanese developers are taking good, hard looks at PC, and they seem to be deciding in its favour. PC is undoubtedly the place to play the classics what with upscaling emulators, so what better place to showcase a technically demanding refresh for the Final Fantasy series? Just saying."
They are either speaking major bullshit and just dont want to announce PC version right away or they are extremely incompetent given how they have a near complete dev version of the game running on PC, given the similarities in these 3 platforms. Not to mention it would easily sell more on PC than Xbone. But Japanese devs so you never know...
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