@thehig1: I think 970 level is way out of reach it could someway be potential if Nintendo got Polaris chips from AMD but even then it's a stretch with price/power draw
which part of that is new? I remember pasting that same stuff before: "As with Bloodborne, neither PS4 or Xbox One versions of Dark Souls 3 feel as smooth as they should do, even while running at the target 30fps on average. Frames are incorrectly ordered to produce a stuttering sensation, and our hopes of From Software addressing the issue are once again dashed."
And this was more than a day ago
Okay so they basically just DF's article and now it's a new thing?
It's no surprise From Software delivers the royalty to Playstation. Playstation, after all, is what put From Soft on the map.
And the real fan base for From Software games will never think of picking up an Xbox controller to play their games.
You combine most of PC players(40% of dark souls sales) and xbox players -> quite a few played dark souls with x360 controller, they are not true fans?
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