Was not even expecting a review on this haha but I would definitely praise it personally as one of the best MMO's I've played in years. I don't think the cash shops limits any gameplay whatsoever, even about 100 hours in.. I guess I never played the Korean version, but from the dialogue and such presented in the western release, it's all solid and definitely higher quality than most MMO's I've seen, so I have no complaints - otherwise if referring to how it's been made grindier, I actually love the grind so again I personally prefer it. I also turn the interface off 90% of the time since the game is too beautiful to cover up, but I'll admit things can get way cluttered.
But seriously, the game's quality is in no way dictated by its in-game cash shop. I've extensively roamed through it, looked at EVERY single item there is to offer, and the most "pay-to-win" items you'd find are maybe a small inventory slot expansion (which you can get in the game forFREE)and the pets (which only affect the most hardcore of players, and even then by such a minuscule amount) like even GW2 has a greedier cash shop, but nobody complains there because it's technically "possible" to get the items in-game but only maybe 1% of players will spend the hundreds of hours required to get the gems for those lame items (but I do love GW2). If you're seriously going to write a work of art like this off because some guy told you he didn't like cash shops, I'm sorry (not sorry) but you're a sheep and are too washed to even think for yourself. At least try it first, I'm pretty sure they have a refund policy and if you still hate it, well then maybe it was never for you.
@Alawishis: SSX Tricky was far better than the original, the rest are solid games that were, again, heavily improved upon in later years, Timesplitters was another game that was way better the second and third time around, and Wii sports was actually pretty terrible, as there were a plethora of titles that implemented the Wii's controls in a more interesting way. And were those the best games to come out on those systems? Hell no. Have you seen literally any year one VR games at all? Of course, half of the battle is actually playing them and if you're not even willing to give that a chance then there's not a whole lot more to say.
@Alawishis: What was the best game you have ever played on PS2? Was it a launch title? Probably not. You write VR off before it even has a chance. Patience is a virtue.
@dlaney34: By bots do you mean AI enemies or haxnoobz? The AI filled out the battleground and made everyone feel powerful on the field which is key to keeping plenty of people invested, and as for "lock on bs" the auto pistol got nerfed multiple times and it's so easy to kill people who use them with any other gun it's barely a threat if you don't suck, so please....
hoyholyhoy's comments