@shalashaska_: Get it on PC for $30, at least I did.
Then also look at the economy surrounding CSGO. Microtransactions GALORE. And some of the most expensive ones I've seen in my life at that. Also look at quality as a factor. This game is well built, unique, and to a lot of people, maintains a high level of replayability with what it has. I dunno, it's all subjective at some point. If you don't like it, it's not for you..
@myles_dyson: Clearly you should know that just slapping a campaign into a game never does a game justice. CoD and Battlefield are the perfect example. Most of the playerbase for those games rarely, if ever, play the campaigns for those games. How just how necessary are they? In fact, CoD BO3 got marked DOWN for having a terrible, tacked on campaign. Just putting any old campaign in a game isn't going to make it better. Most of the people actually playing the game aren't complaining about the lack of a story, they just want to have fun with friends/online.
I think it's a bit lame to dock points for no campaign considering how well it does/replayable it is with what it's got, but hey it's your review not mine. Opinions!
@Redskyze: I think that's kind of a dumb reason to turn away from a game, especially one like this. I can understand to some extent a heavily online focused game (LoL, Dota, CoD, CS, R6S, etc.) but this is a single player game predominately, the fanbase should be the last of your concern.
@HellaStoned: Because people who give PC gaming a bad name like to shit all over anyone who doesn't share their interests. This angers console gamers as well as other PC gamers and turns them against each other. Endless cycle.
@7tizz: Well I don't need to "prove" to you that I payed $300 for a Microsoft refurbished One not 2 months ago, but since you're so obsessed. I own Forza 5, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Halo 5, Battlefield Hardline (& PC), Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall (& PC) (one of my favorite current gen games period), Witcher 3 (& PC), Dark Souls 2 (& PC), and a handful of others on my brother's One including Master Chief Collection. My gamertag is the same as this username, if you're so in love with stalking me go right ahead. You say I'm a fanboy, why so? Because I prefer my PC, Wii U and PS4 for different reasons? Because in the time I've played on and owned a One I've had in MY experience more connection issues, slow startups and laggy interface bugs than I've ever come across on even my PC (which is far from perfect) Or because I don't go head over heals for Forza, Halo or Gears of War since they are series I simply don't have much interest in? Some of my all time favorite games are Xbox exclusives (Fable, Titanfall, Tales of Vesperia (US version)), Playstation exclusives, Nintendo exclusive, PC exclusives. Yeah, I'm a fanboy of video games I guess.
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