Still plan on getting the game at some point, once it's a little fixed up. I thought it was an average year for Ubi honestly. I really enjoyed AC Unity (and I normally hate the AC series) and Watch Dogs was great, FC4 was just carbon copy 3, and I like the idea of the Crew and Driveclub and Gran Turismo aren't open world so I gotta fill the spot. I guess I'm the only one around that can look past bugs in modern games because unlike earlier generations, they can actually get fixed.
Second Son what the hell! No question, what are you doing?? These are all multiplats this isn't even a good list, Second Son destroys ANY of these games by a wide margin and you don't even pick the ONE PS4 EXCLUSIVE???? REALLY?? This is so pathetic... Let me guess, Xbox will have Titanfall, Halo, Sunset, every other exclusive? I'm done..
I remember botting for like a week straight on Runescape just fishing lobster, and how I would sit there at times and literally nobody was talking. Times when there was not one person there actually playing the game and I thought it was hilarious. I would never bot to "win" or for anything competitive, but I gotta tell you, fishing in Runescape is not the most engaging experience..
hoyholyhoy's comments